Discount on New Pump

My Animas pump goes out of warranty the first week of September. Does anyone know if Animas offer any type of discount on a new pump when you have bought their pump previously? I'm currently looking at my options. Thanks.

I've bought two pings (with the help of insurance) and never been offered a discount. Maybe things have changed in the year or so since I got my 2nd pump.


Sometimes, p[ump companies will offer a discount if you are upgrading. You agree to send them the old pump and get the new one for a discounted price. I believe that this kind of thing will be available when the Vibe is okayed by the FDA. I think that the "old" pump has to still be in warranty, so it is cutting it close for you.
If you are paying out of pocket, but have health coverage (but the health plan doesn't cover pumps) you can ask for the name of your insurance plan company discount. I have Kaiser which in California covers CGM's, but doesn't up in the Pacific NW. I pay out of pocket for my CGM, but I get it at the Kaiser price. It does save some money.

No the pump doesn't have to be in warranty. When I got my latest pump in May 2013 the old one was way past warranty. They offered me $400 trade in on the old pump, I didn't take it because my co-pay was zero, so no need.

Thanks. I actually do have health insurance, but it's a high deductible plan. I've met the deductible, but not the total out of pocket for this year. In September, my pump and dexcom go out of warranty. It's just a big chunk of money to replace them both even only having to pay 20%. I am grateful that my insurance pays for both, pretty much without any problems or hoops to jump through.

I dont think you can go from an out of warranty ping to a new ping at an upgrade price. I was going to have to pay a few thousand to get a new warranty/pump.

I didn't get the new ping at the upgrade price, that is different from a trade-in which I was talking about. My HMO paid their contracted price but my co-pay was zero, id there had been a co-pay I could have gotten $400 dollars off it. With the upgrade price your warranty just carries on from the old pump you don't get the full 4 years.

Ah, gotcha. thanks!

When my son's out of warranty, waiting for the Vibe, pump died when he was swimming with it, They gave me a credit for the dead pump, they were required to properly dispose of it. If you want to keep the pump, then there is probably no discount

I did talk to Animas today. They said they would give me a credit towards a new pump. Thanks guys for your information and help.