Paraguard IUD for diabetic women

Sorry for posting this in general forum if your are squeamish about female issues ... but I feel like the specific women's groups do not get enough views and I want answers quickly.

27 - I hope to never have children but a "tubes-tied" procedure is looking too risky and all forms of hormonal birth control wreak havoc on my sugars and blood pressure... which I can't risk with my retinas so weak.

So, the option I'm narrowed down to is the Paraguard (copper) IUD.

Please share your experiences with this as openly as you feel fit. Private message me if you need to.

I am probably going to do this within a week if I decide to go for it.

I have had the Paraguard for about 6 years. It is great. No hormones,no worry.

Alls i can say is I had my tubes tied 22 years ago didn't try any of the IUD's

I personally don't have an IUD (I'm looking at them, though), but many of my friends have them.

They have had pretty much nothing but awesome results. The only problems seem to have been during the insertion procedure, but after talking it through and looking online, it appears that the bad experiences correlate to no local anesthetic being used.

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Thank you Mocha,
I am actually going to look at being prescribed a sedative or something for the procedure.
I am figuring if I've survived the pain of the the following:
Pneumomediastinum (look it up)
Peripheral neuropathy
Profliferative retinopathy laser treatments
kidney infection

I can handle the procedure lol :)

This is what my friend dug up on local anesthetics and shared: :

A nonsterile bimanual exam determines size, position and uterocervical angulation. Under sterile conditions the cervix is then visualized with a sterile speculum. Because IUD insertion is painful and can cause syncope, the cervix should be frozen before the tenaculum is applied, a very simple procedure to perform. A 1 cc to 2 cc injection of 1% lidocaine is given through a long spinal needle to raise a superficialbleb at the 12 o’clock position on the anterior cervix. Having the patient cough as you inject prevents them from having pain from the injection and not seeing the syringe also helps. Alternatives include 5% lidocaine gel or 20% benzacaine spray (with extended nozzle) for five seconds.

The described technique is simple, low cost, requires no special equipment, and adds no more than 30-60 seconds to insertion time. Patients do not feel the injection of local anesthetic solution. The advantages of using a local anesthetic are as follows: 1) minimal discomfort felt during insertion; 2) postinsertion cramping is eliminated or greatly reduced; 3) elimination of cervical shock or vasovagal reaction during or just after insertion; 4) maximal patient cooperation allowing easier attainment of absolute no touch technique and ensuring correct placement of the device; 5) reduction in recovery and resting time following insertion; and 6) a positive influence on patient acceptance of the device due to pain-free insertion.
And this one that talks about intricate differences in IUDs and also suggests "dude, use local anesthesia because this is a great method but it hurts so use medicine available so it doesnt!" heh.

I was only 17 when I got the Paraguard IUD. It was horrible, my cramps got worse and my periods were heavy. I now have the Mirana (i dont think im spelling it right) and i only get a cycle for about 2 days out of a month and its very light and my glucose levels never changed.I also became pregnant on it. Not a good thing for someone who doesn't want a pregnancy.

I wouldn't recommend the Paraguard because the cramps are enhanced and I had negative results. Mirana lasts for 5 years, the hormones are so light that it didnt change anything. goodluck!