I recently posted about hormones in pre-menopausal women (link to topic: here ). I’ve been researching better options for myself, as I am a type 1 and am currently on Yasmine 28 day birth control but am having trouble with insulin resistance, slow Humalog reaction, and unpleasant side effects to menstruation (such as often getting infections right after finishing a period).
Have any women here tried IUD’s? I was looking at the Mirena one, anyone used it and can share on whether it still caused BG control problems? I saw that the copper IUD does not cause BG control problems, but it increases flow for menstruation by almost twice (and I already have a hard enough time as is).
I’m also wondering how painful it is to have it put in…not afraid of pain, if it’s the solution I am looking for I can stand it. But still would like to know…I’ve heard it’s just a pinch and some cramps.
When on the pill I too had resistance probllems. I have type 1 and got the Mirena specifically so there would only be a local hormone effect. No BG problems now.
Mildly uncomfortable but some ibuprofen can help. Moderate cramping when it goes into the cervix…but so worth it to not have the insulin resistance.
oh dear that’s women’s problems foryou, I am type 1 diabetic and my doc thought i was pre menopausal before he discovered i have diabetes and Its probably maenaopausal style symptomes going up and downs I have them every day, except my case isprbablydiabetic but I know a nother person on yamine and I just sortof associated with your discussion above and I get cramps and minor arthritis everything womanly seems to distract our lives and thats wher or stress levela re unexplained.(im assuming ur diabetic ?
Thank you all for responding! I have decided to give the Mirena a try, based on the lots of positive reviews I am hearing about it (and being fed-up with the pill, hehe). I will get it put in sometime in April, as I am currently on vacation. I am Canadian (BC) so I can get it covered by health care, yay.
Thanks so much for your responses! I will let you know how it works out