Petition Medicare to cover CGM's!

Hi all, I started a petition on, I would appreciate it if you would be kind enough to sign and share it. I have 81 signatures but need many, many more. Thank you, Liz


Thank you for starting this petition. I just signed it, and posted it on Twitter and Facebook. Here's hoping you get the required number of signatures!

thank you sue, very much appreciated!

I just noticed that my name appears twice, first as Susan Sigourney, then above it as Sue Sigourney. The Susan was from my signing the petition; the Sue appeared after I posted it on Twitter. Can one of them be removed?

you know, i don't really know, i will look into it since of course i don't want duplicate signatures. thank you for bringing it to my attention. ok, sent an email to the help desk on, hopefully they will get back to me soon. thanks again!

sure thing. LMK if there's anything I need to do.

no problem, will keep you posted.

ok, they asked that you open a request at their help desk, here is the link & they will take care of it. they got back to me pretty quick so i'm sure it will be resolved soon. they also explained how to up my signature goal, which i did.

This is a good cause. The 2012 Scientific Session of the American Diabetes Association published a report that found that seniors suffered a greater incidence of severe hypoglycemia than all (most?) other age groups. CGM technology is well suited, but not perfect, to decrease this statistic.


well, nothing is perfect, but, i feel any reduction in severe hypo episodes is worthwhile. i think it may have to do with the disease's progression. thanks for your support. sue, glad we're getting that resolved :)

OK so they told me to hide one of the names, which I did.

Customer Support, Sep 19 07:25 am (PDT):

Hi Susan,

Thank you for contacting us! Unfortunately, we do not have a feature that would allow us to remove your signature. The best option would be to hide the signature. Luckily, it looks like the creator of the petition will print off the signatures before handing them into the target, so if you hide one of your signatures, it will not show on that list.

I hope that this helps!

Maxine Help Center

ok, seems pretty well resolved then, thanks so much.


Best of luck ... with all the political stuff going on over Medicare spending in the next decade, it gets a little scary to think how real people are affected.

thanks mike, appreciate your signing. now is not the best time to be trying this but i figure better to try & fail than not try at all.


The crap has already started in the last year and a half trying to get sufficient test strips properly approved with correct Doctor support and documentation.

Petition is great idea. Class action law suite may be needed to get the green eyeshaded monkey shines and disgraceful behaviour stopped.

Medicare was robbed of 750 billion over the advantage plans and how much more is being stripped by denying regular medicare claims as another money grabbing tactic and stalling folks hoping they will give up and go away!

I believe the issues exceed scarey.

thank you mike for signing, i agree that things just get more deplorable & desperate every day. new awful stories each day. i just try to live in hope & try to do what i can, for myself & others. i hope things move in a better direction soon.

I signed petition as I believe we need that.

Consistent with that though we need a low cost-cost effective product and lower cost sensors that last longer. The environment this is being developed/controlled under is stalling the present product in a tightly regulated low volume high cost environment that is equally responsible for stalling wider use of this product and blocking using the PC development stratagy to create better and cheaper products in fast development cycles and get volumes up as best as possible.

I mean one is told do not use for dosing and always fingerprick and basically it is a data logger not really doing any direct control but here it is stalled in the high cost highly controlled low volumne production space.

With the numbers of T2's and volume production and reduce the control and beauruocracy, it could be easily bought and supplied.

Its present operating cost is preventing any wide adoption and having insurance and medicare to easily pay and approve. What problem are we solving - diabetes and its ills and cost of that care or are we insuring super tight regulated control for who's benefit.
I must be stupid; but I do not get it?

well, pass the dunce cap jim, i called ya mike :) i know it is not an ideal contraption by any stretch, but, for people with extreme hypo issues i think it would be at least helpful. of course if the greedy jerks got knocked down, we would all be doing much better now wouldn't we? or do i not get it?

here's an interesting tale from today's ny times. about wasting kidneys for transplant. btw, i have 98 signatures, thank you all so much! keep sharing :)