They are asking for signatures. We can help them help us if we want.
Here’s the deal with the pharmacists. They are a scrappy bunch and they know everything about drug pricing. I respect them because they work for it. They show up. They might show up more than us. But there’s probably not as many of us and medical illness stuff can be complicated - people don’t always feel comfortable talking about it for a variety of complicated reasons that we all know.
There are Doctors, here and there, that show up, but they are pretty open about the fact that legislative work might cost them their jobs. Ones that talk, don’t always act. The Doctors don’t have a real unified perspective on what could be done to help at a legislative level. Docs that independently own their own practices might be useful down the road if they can unify around some common perspective, like the pharmacists. I think we would be better off if we could get nurses to act. Senators probably like talking to nurses. Nurses can be quite charming.
The small pharmacies are being put out of business by unfair auditing practices implemented by the PBMs. There are also a wide array of unfair market practices. So, where we have our FTC case, they will bring a legislative effort that is parallel to ours.
Everything looks good so far. Its the very start of session, but I feel good about it. FTC is all locked up in federal court by the big 3 PBMs, but that was anticipated. No telling how long it takes them to get out of that mess. After they do, they will be able to resume their case against the big 3 PBMs in administrative court. That is this effort: FTC Sues Prescription Drug Middlemen for Artificially Inflating Insulin Drug Prices | Federal Trade Commission Might take a couple years. Unknown. Until then, there is only a legislative option and the pharmacists are starting off strong.
That’s the quick and dirty.
Some diabetic groups will try to push this through. Diabetes Patient Advocacy Coalition | Diabetes Patient Advocacy Coalition I don’t know if that is gonna fly. The GOP is going after the deficit using a reconciliation bill. That’s pretty ambitious, but they will make a play. I don’t see the GOP expanding any government funding for healthcare while the big healthcare monopolies are still intact. That all feels incongruent. But I see them making a play to bust up those monopolies over the next couple of years. If they don’t pull anything off, then FTC will come into play. I think we are well positioned to bring down the PBMs - 2 to 4 years. Maybe sooner if the GOP strikes hard and has any tricks up it’s sleeve.