Pie Crust Idea?

I can’t afford $10 for a pound of almond flour… and I would like to make a pumpkin pie, perhaps using flax meal. Any ideas that don’t bankrupt me?

What Judith said:) Pumpkin pie takes a long to bake, so don’t bake a nut crust first, or bake & then cover the edges with foil for the rest of the bake time. Mix any meal with melted butter. You can make your own almond meal with a blender or food processor.

What sort of affect does pumpkin have on bg, if any? Also, do you just pop your raw almonds into the blender/food processor straight up? Great question DWQ.

Any food effects BG:)

Pumpkin isn’t exactly low carb, but using less than is called for in traditional recipes & adding heavy cream makes a great pumpkin pie.

Just put whole roasted almonds (not raw) in a blender or food processor & pulse until it looks like meal. Process too long & you’ll have almond butter. Blanched almonds (skins removed) yields a lighter colored & slightly lighter textured result–almond flour. With skins on, it’s called almond meal.

If you have a recipe for a pumpkin pie, I’d be very happy to have it. lol

Sure. I’ll post it here.

This is a tweaked Dr. B’ recipe.I added more spices & maple extract. I’ve made it many times. My husband & friends like it better than regular pumpkin pie. Most of Dr. B’s recipes are rather dull.

Judith’s suggestion about using ground pecans for the crust is great.

Pumpkin Pie–6 servings, 4.8 carbs per serving (not including crust)

1 cup canned pumpkin
1 cup heavy cream
1 egg
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp maple extract
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp allspice
zero carb sweetener to taste (I use stevia & Fiberfit liquid Splenda)

Preheat oven to 350.

Combine all ingredients & mix well. Add more spices, if needed. Some people like pumpkin pie kind of spicy.

Pour into crust & bake 35-40 minutes, until set in the center.

Great topped with whipped cream.

Note: If stevia is used, some of its sweetness is lost when heated . Granular Splenda has carbs, which aren’t figured in the the total carbs.

I haven’t tried it myself, becauseIrarely bake nowadays, but how about a meringue topping, or using stiffly beaten eggs to support some flax meal?
I have a recipe for a celeric and soya flour paste, which might work.
4 ounces cubed celeriac[ about 1/2 inch cubes] boiled or steamed for 10 mins until tender and then mashed. Add a scant cup of full fat soya flour, 3tbsp olive oil, seasoning, 1tbsp cold water make a soft dough, rest for 30 mins. the roll bakes in a hot oven If you like it make batches and freeze.
I have not tried this. I found the recipe in one of my books.

And the point of the crust is?

Who really needs a crust. I would just go crustless.

Well, some people’s husbands are not bsc, so they really would like a crust alternative. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, in all truth, my wife wants a crust as well. I’ve not tried the nut crust for a pumpkin pie, but I can attest to it’s outstanding performance on the cheesecake.

Nut crust works fine with pumpkin pie.

Id be tempted to use walnuts or some kind of nut with a complimentary taste to the pumpkin.