Please help me finish my thesis project by filling out a short survey

Dear Forum Members:
I am a tudiabetes member who has pre-diabetes and have family members affected by Type 1 and 2 diabetes. I thought it would be interesting to do my research thesis on nutrition education intervention and the effects it has on adherence and barriers to self-managed care in the diabetic patient. To further elaborate what it means–Do you think that if you take a diabetes class, it will help you to care for yourself better than if you had not taken the class? How do you feel about having diabetes? How do you manage your diabetes and do you take your medicine as prescribed?

Your name, e-mail or personal information will not nor can it be used. I am bound by the Review Board at my school and the APA ethical rules to delete any and all information of that type. It has to be a blind study- I will not know who answered or did not answer the questions.The responses that are given in surveymonkey are not identified and uses no name, no IP address, nothing but your pure responses. When I collect the data from surveymonkey it gives me the number of people who have taken the test, how many responses were given in certain sections and how many answers were left blank and gives them to me in percentages. I hope this clears things up as I too do not want my name or any information given out indiscriminately to anyone at anytime.
In my write-up the only thing that I say will be similar to this: Out of one hundred participants surveyed, 85 thought that diabetes education was helpful, 12 thought that it was not helpful and 3 did not have an opinion either way.

If you would like to participate please copy the address to your URL or click on

Thank you for your help. Very sorry for the mistake.

This research study has been approved by TuDiabetes Administration.

Thanks for those responding to the survey. I need more participants for type 2 and pre-diabetics. It won’t take much time to fill out. I have 17 persons so far and that’s outstanding. More help is needed. Thanks for your help.