Survey-Self-care behaviors of adults with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes

Please take this approved survey for Diana Ir an employee at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and a student in a Survey Research Class, as part of the class, she is required to conduct pre-testing and pilot testing of a brief survey about self-care practices among type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients. Since the work is preliminary to research, none of the results will be published in the scientific literature. Sensitive/personal identifying information will NOT be asked! It is also very brief.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Diana at

Survey-Self-care behaviors of adults with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes


Done. Curious. Will you give us a little follow-up as things evolve?

This study is for a class and the results are not going to be published. Perhaps we can ask the author whether she could come talk with us about the general results she found.

I just took this, did anyone else have trouble getting the cursor into the box for height weight & age? I had to skip those.


+1. It never hurts to ask, and many would undoubtedly be interested to know what emerges. I know I would.

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You can see the results as soon as you finish responding: (81 replies as of right now; you can revisit the same link at any point and see the new stats as more people respond too.)

Good news. Diane will be making a video summarizing her findings and offered to provide it for posting in the community.

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Done. Glad to help.

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