I ran across diabetes daily Android app. I thought it was designed very well and gave a nice way to keep in touch with the forums. The mobile app that the tudiabetes website switches to is not very user friendly. I see myself using the diabetes daily forum more often simply because it’s more accessible. Are there any plans to implement this? Surely it wouldn’t be very costly and I really think you would reach more of the younger generation of diabetics. Any thoughts?
Can you post a link to the Android App? I just switched from the reliable ol' pink razr to a smart phone because my brother moved overseas to live with his girlfriend and he gave me his phone. Its been an uncomfortable transition to a smart phone and I am not very knowledgeable about available apps. But, if I were only going to have one app, this would be it! Does it do much beyond the capability of the CGM? I bet it does...
We could write one as freeware, you think that would be a lot of work? I have been thinking that an app would be pretty hard to write because there is just so much varied and creative approaches to bg management. I never understood that until reading posts on tudiabetes.
TuDiabetes runs on the Ning Platform and unfortunately this means that we are constrained by what is offered by Ning as an android app. And I think everyone agrees, that app leaves a lot to be desired. I know that when I use TuDiabetes on my phone I just switch to the full site.
This is definitely on the list of things that the DHF team will consider for the next upgrade.
The app that mohe0001 describes is a different kind of app, one which helps you track blood sugars or medications. There are a ton of those, but I believe neither TuDiabetes nor diabetesdaily offers or suggests any particular one.
Hi Benjamin,
We're working on it! Creating a more user-friendly app is high on our list of needed improvements, and it's under way. Taking longer than we expected :-/
Thanks for your feedback!
Our new site has lovely new mobile integration. Check it out!!
Did the app get developed or is it under develoment stage. Reason asking is because of the date last responded to and the date now.