Pre- 1960's diabetes photo's

I was diagnosed in 1945, when I was 6. My father tested my urine every morning. That was the only test done each day. There was never any testing of my blood at home for many years. Benedict’s solution was placed in a test tube and 8 drops of urine were added. The tube was placed into a tin can containing about 1.5 inches of water. The can was placed on a burner on the stove and the water was boiled. The tube was then removed from the can and the color was observed. The diagram below shows the possible colors that might have been seen. The original color of the Benedict’s solution was blue. If the color was still blue after the boiling, then there was 0% sugar in the urine. If green-0.5% sugar; yellow-1% sugar; orange-1.5% sugar; brick red-2 % or more sugar.

Nel…I’ve read about Frederick Banting’s death in the plane crash many times, and yet, seeing these photos (thanks by the way)…make me teary eyed. xxxxx What a lovely man.

I was sooo moved, when I arrived here at the Museum grounds several years ago …I cried !
Danny , once again : THANKS for your help getting the " memories " here.

And we had a great vacation in Eastern Canada , Newfoundland and Labrador …watch the black flies in L .:slight_smile:

Warner’s Safe Diabetes Cure, 1880-1920

Warner was an obvious spammer from the distant past, but the second picture actually gives a good diet for diabetics to follow.

Here is a link showing some history of Warner’s safe cures, along with more pictures.

Danny, Warner’s diabetes diet in the late 1880’s shows that eating low carb and avoiding certain foods was good for us. None of my doctors ever gave me that information during my early years, even though I was not diagnosed until 1945. If I had only known that information back then, I would have had a much healthier childhood, and young adulthood. There would have been much lower blood sugar.

Nice pictures Ray, very good

OMG- I remember my mother chasin me around the house to try to give me my “shot” of NPH @1970! We switched to plastic disposables around the mid 70’s, I remember my mom essentially hording the needles!

OMG, I’m less than 8 years away from being eligible for one. . . I wish I could get one for my mom, she passed 2 years ago at the age of 63 after living 62 years w/ D. . .

It’s really awesome to see the picture of a glass syringe.

It’s amazing to see those knees and ribs! But look at the horizontal alignment of her shoulders! Was that caused by early diabetes, and starvation diets?

I think this little girl had something else going on here, other than diabetes…a structural imbalance of sorts.

The Banting Museum …1/2 of the premises is the offices of The Canadian Diabetes Association (the Southwestern Ontario region… in London). This is the museum, which was once Banting’s home and medical practice (circa 1920)…before he went on to the University of Toronto to do research with Charles Best…the rest, as they say, is history. Thank you Frederick Grant Banting!

My pleasure…any time mon ami!

Thanx!!! Have you been thru it?

Shamefully…not yet, though London is only a couple of hours away. I saw the movie “Glory Enough for All” about the discovery, in which the lab on display at the museum, was portrayed as the lab where Banting and Best did their research, at the U. of Toronto…my Alma Mater. I wouldn’t have thought of looking for where the lab might have been when I was a student there in the 70s, besides, I was in a different faculty…but I have a pretty good idea.

Was Banting really the first to discover insulin??? Read this this article about Nicolae C. Paulescu (1869–1931).

1929 Diabetic Manual by Elliott P. Joslin

1948 A Diabetic Notebook for the Use of the Patient

1951 Diabetes Mellitus (Lilly Research Foundation)

1935 Diet Prescription and Other Information for the Diabetic (Ell Lilly)

1947 Diabetes Mellitus (Lilly Research Foundation)

1946 Physician’s Book of Menus for Diabetics (Eli Lilly Labs)
1950 A Primer for Diabetic Patients
1948 Diabetic Manual by Elliott P. Joslin
1923 Food for the Diabetic
1917 Diabetic Cookery: Recipes and Menus

Sounds like an ebay pitch…are u selling this doll?