I am truly blessed. I have had diabetes for over 23 years and have been blessed with two beautiful and perfectly healthy boys (4 and 2) As some of you may know, I miscarried on my son’s 4th birthday while in my 2nd trimester. This was a terrible and traumatic experience for me, but one that I can be grateful for now as it has made me re-realize just how fragle life can be. It also helps me relate to so many other women who have experienced similar loss, and offer compassion.
I recently found out that I am expecting again. My husband and I decided to try again after receiving the all-clear from my doc. We then found out that he would be deploying for a year in September and decided to wait until he returned. What we didn’t know was that we had already conceived.
So here we are thrilled and scared and unsure of what the upcoming months will bring. I am experiencing some of the same issues with this pregnancy that I did with my previous one including a subchorionic bleed, so we are saying our prayers that this pregnancy yields a different outcome. The docs have put me on progesterone and I am well monitored, but my self-monitoring is far more helpful than any doctors advice. I know my body better than any doctor, and I trust that this same body that brought two miracles into my life will bless me with a third. Please keep us in your prayers as we enter week number 11…oh and a prayer from each who reads this would be a true gift! Thank You!
Praying for you all!
An exciting time
CONGRATS! and praying for you. Way to go on being on top of what is going on with YOU.
Our prayers will be with you… have faith, amiga.
You’ll be in my most tender and quiet thoughts, Rachel.
I hope the pregnancy is going well for you! How’s the nausea? Well one way to look at it, is at least we have the diabetes to focus on so the pregnancy symptoms are mearly a blip on map compared to the concentration on blood sugar and food! It’s so hard, but good for you!! I’m in week 30, so I’m right there with you!