Question about my 2 and a half year old

Hi Felicia,

Normal A1c is under 5. Different labs use different ranges for C-peptide, but normal is considered .5-3.0. I don’t know if this is different for children. Was a GAD antibody test done? This would indicate if his pancreas is under attack. So, his A1c is a bit high, esp for such a young child because children tend to have lower BG than adults, but his C-peptide is good. He’s producing insulin, but sadly not enough to keep his BG in complete control:( I’m sorry. Know this isn’t the news you want to hear & it’s very good that you caught this early & are limiting what he eats. Know this hard with such a young kid, but diet alone may help tremendously.

There are a few discussions here about MODY, if you want to search. All I know is that it’s genetic, is considered to be a “milder” form of diabetes & often can be controlled with diet or quite low doses of insulin. Again, you recognizing the ants & testing is great. I hope with all my heart that diet alone will help your son.

Jenny’s site has info about MODY Wonder if MODY is as rare as they say, or just misdiagnosed or under diagnosed?

I agree that you should ask for a glucose tolerance test.

If they don’t do it, then it might be a good idea to have a juice box with you and have him drink it all. Then test to see if he goes high. I know that you don’t want to force him to go high, but it could be worth it if it gives more info to the doctor.


We saw the Endo today. She thinks he may have MODY. She brought this up to us before I got a chance to ask her about it. She wants us to let him go back to his normal diet for 2 weeks then a restricted diet for 2 weeks. We are going to check BG fasting, before eating, 2 hours after eating and randomly. Our next appt is in 1 month.

Gerri they did do GAD test and it was fine.


I’m glad that you have a good endo. Not all would be so attentive to this.

Hope that the next month will bring more answers. Please keep us posted and let us know whenever we can help!

Thanks for the update. Glad his GAD was fine!

Having an on the ball endo is wonderful! Is your son cooperative about testing? So hard on a little guy.

He likes to push the button when we prick his finger! He doesn’t care to much for me cleaning his finger off but hey he’s a boy…can’t expect him to want to be clean. LOL

Glad it’s not a struggle. That delicate baby skin, can’t feel good. What a brave little boy!

In case they told you to use alcohol wipes before testing, you don’t have to. None of us do & it dries out skin horribly. Don’t know if he objects to the alcohol, or just hand washing in general:)