I have a quick question. What are normal blood sugar levels for toddlers? I was recently diagnosed with Type 1 and I know what my target ranges are. I checked my almost 3 year old daughter's fasting blood sugar this morning. I did 4 test within 3 minutes (using the same finger stick). The readings were 579, 230, 155 and 153. She has her regular appt next week and I will get her doc to check but in the meantime I am freaking out. There could have been some error on my part as I was trying to do it quickly because she was screaming due to the finger stick.
She exhibits no symptoms. I checked because my job had a health screening this week and all of the nondiabetics #s were less than 100 even after eating. I remembered that on the few times that I have checked my daughter that hers has never been this low but was usually in the 130s.
Hi Mahagony, Good that you will have the doc check. I have heard that children have a very wide swing, lower lows and higher highs than a non-diabetic adult. To ease your mind some, or to get an appointment sooner, call your daughter’s Dr office and tell them what you have observed. See what they say.
Not 100% sure, but that may just be because she’s so young. I’m almost sure that at 600 there would be other symptoms though. Maybe there was something on her finger? Bad strip? There are a lot of variables that could attribute to that.
were her hands clean when you did the test. i mean normal activity wouldnt skew results that bad, but if she just ate M&M’s and had them all over her it might…just curious
Thanks you guys. I checked the times on my meter and I did check her after she had her morning vitamin and orange juice. I had forgotten that. She likes to play with the vitamin before she eats it. So maybe some of it was on her finger. Thanks for easing my mind a bit.