Question for insulin pumpers

My daughter has extremely sensitive skin. I expected she would break out wearing a pod. The only time I have noticed any redness is when I did not let the baby oil sit on the adhesive long enough. The Insulet nurse recommended we use baby oil with her skin type and she has not had any skin problems. I apply baby oil (liberally) to the adhesive and let it sit. Sometimes I reapply the baby oil a second time. She walks around the house with her shirt rolled up going about her business. The adhesive will start lifting on it’s own and will come loose all the way around the pod. She will come to me to remove the pod and I do so slowly trying to be gentle on her skin. Sometimes it is at least an hour before I remove the old pod. I immediately cover the site with a band-aid covered in antibiotic cream and leave it there until the next day. The band-aid may fall off while she is sleeping from the baby oil residue on the skin. This is what has worked for her and I don’t know if baby oil will help you or not.

I use the quick set for minimed and I had an issue with IV Prep wipes. I stopped using them and switched regular alcohol swabs to clean before I insert a new infusion set. I have not had any problems since I cut out the IV Prep wipes. My infusion sets actually stick better without the IV prep (probably because my skin is no longer rejecting it). Good luck I’m sure it could be anything but I hope you find the right combination for you!

Oh the IV 3000 is like my Tegaderm?

I get it now, Thank You Bradford!

I just use a regular alcohol pad. The IV preps gave me a rash

Im curious whats the difference between Skin Prep and IV Prep from the same company… Didnt see the Skin Prep listed…Where did you find it?

Wow, its amazing so many people had the same problem! I use the Tegaderm or IV3000 barrier as was suggested. I also have to be careful to change the site quicker than 4 days or I can expect a rash regardless! I am now going to try plain alcohol instead of IV Prep, it seems people have had success with it! Hope you figure it out!

Difference is you do the sandwitch technique with the Tegaderm… as in
Skin with IV Prep-----Tegaderm------infusion set (THROUGH) the tegaderm.
Least how it was explained to me, when you use IV3000, you want to make a hole in it, and just use it to adhere the adhesive edge of the infusion set, but leave a hole around where the cannula would be

In Portugal I use Cavilon, but only because in the summer time, the adhesive comes off very easy. I live in Portugal. Lot’s of heat and beach time. But since I used cavilon the skin get’s protected and more sticky. It’s like a litlle spray, about 20 euros a small bottle, but it lasts long. I had a rash the other day. I never had one. I don’t know why it apeears. My nurse said it is normal. Now I am thinking on ising other insertion places, but I only used the stomach so far. What other places do you all advice?

I inject all of the time through my IV3000! I have never noticed an issue.

I found that I do not react to the adhesive on my butt (but I get serious red itchy spots if I put it on my stomach). Anywhere where you can do injections, you can put the site.