Inset Infusion Sets

Hi Everyone
This is my first time posting anything, as I recently joined. I have a lot of problems using the inset infusion sets and was wondering if anyone else does. Several little things, like: a perfectly good, painless set goes in, but the adhesive won’t stick so the whole thing comes out, making me put another one in. Also, every set I take out after wearing for 3 days, starts bleeding right away, after use, I most times have pump bumps under the sites. Does anyone else have this problem or know if it’s normal? Right now I’m using the 6mm, but am considering switching to the 9mm if I can identify any significant benefits of switching.

Any inputs or comments would be greatly appreciated,
thanks, aztype1

Hi there - welcome to the community. When I was on the insulin pump - I ended up having to cut out a hole in a Tegaderm patch and place it over the site, in order to keep the site in. But, different people find different ways to keep a site in :slight_smile:

I had all of these problems the first few months I was using Insets. I’m now almost 4 months in, and these are no longer issues. Maybe our bodies have to ‘adjust’ to these sets? shrug

Yeah, infusion sets always baffle me. I have been using these sets for about 5 years now, I think it takes a tole on everybody’s body just from the act of inserting these so often. Anyways, glad to hear you don’t have any of these issues yourself, and thanks for the input!

When you remove the inserter after insertion, hold the outer part down, & pull straight up on the white inner spring thingy, then lift the whole thing off, this holds the sticky tape down as the inserter needle releases the canula, this is what the Animas trainer showed me.

We use Skin Tac on our daughter before putting in a new infusion set. Solved the non-stick problem for us. Daughter says the sites rarely bleed so maybe you’ve just been unlucky. She says that she usually has a little bump where the site was for a short while - they go away in about 2 hrs. We haven’t put a Tegaderm patch over the whole site as we want to be able to disconnect easily. If you find your numbers aren’t what you expect then you could try switching to a 9mm canula but if you are lean the 6mm should be fine.

I normally get pump bumps where my sites where, my doctor told me to try iodine to see if that would help apose to alchol swabs, I haven’t tried it yet, my sites don’t bleed everytime but on occasion they do.

Do you take Aspirin? I notice I bleed pretty consistently when I am taking Aspirin.

I can’t think of a good reason why 9mm sets would work better. The cannula would be going deeper into you which I imagine would cause more bleeding. You never know though it might be worth trying.

For me it dosen’t really matter if the infusion site is a bleeder or not, I usually have bumps where my infusion set was. They usually go away within a few days. I don’t think anything special needs to be done unless you are getting infections or it is terribly uncomfortable.

Since Animas has a Leur Lock connection to the cartridge there are quite a few different companies/infusion sets to choose from. Most companies use UnoMedical as their producer so most have the same sticky but some of the infusion sets are larger so more area to have the sticky stick to (If that makes sense to anyone but me). Animas makes the Inset 30 which has a quite large sticky area and since it goes in at an angle (not as deep) it may help with bleeding as well.

Annabella Lewis’s suggestion is also a very good one to make sure you are doing.

Thank you very much for the suggestions. When originally going on a pump, I never tried any other sets besides the silhouette, and inset, and don’t know much about the advantages/differences between the 6mm & 9mm. Overall, I just find the sets very uncomfortable, extremely itchy after removal, and have to wait 2-3 days for the pump bumps to go away like you said.

Thank you, your comments were very helpful!