Problems with Insets (vs. other infusion sets)?

I'm wondering what people's experiences with the Inset infusion sets are, especially people who've use both those and another type,

When I first started pumping, I used Insets for a bit, and had an incident where the canula didn't actually make it into my body. I was new to pumping then, so can't say for sure if that was user error or just an odd occurrence.

Last weekend, I tried an Inset that I had lying around with my supplies. I really liked the insertion process (for some reason, inserting my Comfort Shorts lately are kinda painful) After a few hours, the set pulled completely off (and I didn't realize it for a few hours. FUN!). I immediately decided that Insets were crap, especially when I considered my earlier experience.

It was only a couple days later that I realized I had NO idea how old that Inset was, and that it was obviously expired and the adhesive was no good anymore. So that was very dumb of me.

But: In general, do people who use Insets have either of the problems I've described above on a regular basis? I'm on the fence. Insets are more expensive (and produce more waste) than Comforts, but do seem to make things easier.

I use Inset 30's. When I was first starting out, there were a few times that I didn't angle the inserter properly and the cannula either barely made it into my skin or was totally not under my skin (and I didn't realize it until I noticed the "wet spots" :( It's been about 6 months now and I've gotten a lot better at getting the right angle.

One thing that may help with the insertion of the comforts (the angled ones) is Les Pain. It is a topical anesthetic spray. Just google it to find a retailer. I used to get it from (or was it Anyway, in about 15 - 20 minutes the area is numb. And you will get better at inserting as you get practice.

I have been using the Insets since I began pumping six years ago. I use the IV Prep wipes before I insert and that helps them stay secure. As for the canula not making it into my body, that happened once when I forgot to take the blue cover off!

Thanks everyone!

I've actually been pumping for about 8 years. I don't know why I'm having more trouble lately with the sets. All I can guess is a build up of scar tissue? I might just give the Insets another shot...

You may not be as mechanically inept as me, Leata, but at one point I discovered I'd developed some bad habits in my insertion technique. I went back to following the directions line by line as I did in the early days and discovered what I was doing wrong. So that might be worth trying. Oddly for me it's the opposite, I just tried the Comfort detach manual insertion and was surprised how easy it was. (Aside from a confrontation with the little ridges I mention in another thread!)

I've been using insets for over 2 years. I have so many issues with them. I even call and have them talk me through inserting to make sure that I am doing it right. I need to with to manual or something else because I am wasting to much money trying to get one to work and have had a lot of highs because of it.

I just started with the Ping a few weeks ago and even using the written and online video instruction and a prep wipe continue to have issues. I have gone back to Cleos which I have never had a problem with. You might want to get a sample and try them.

Thanks, Trouble. I ended up ordering some Insets (figuring the ones I had trouble with were old and/or I'd put them in wrong)but I had another set pull out in the new box. I might try the Cleos. I actually like the Comforts just fine, I just sort of like the self-applicator.

i have used only insets since i started pumping 7 yrs ago. I have never had either of those things happen to me although I found that if I didn't allow the IV prep to fully dry before applying my set my skin would be itchy for some reason. Its been a long time but I have actually gone to scratch at the itch and basically peeled off the set...DUMMY!