I am really hoping I can convince my dr on Monday to write a rx for it. I compared Animas with medtronics and love animas the best from what I’ve read.
I chose Animas because I had dealings with Medtronic in the past that were absolutely miserable. I looked at their current offering but decided I didn’t want to get involved with them again. I decided initially on the Animas 2020 and later upgraded to the Ping.
I use the Inset (straight in variety) of infusion set. I like it because it’s fairly easy to use due to the inserter. The only trick in using the Inset is to make sure you hold the inserter firmly against your body while squeezing the housing to do the insert. If you don’t, you can cause the canula to kink and that is a painful lesson. In five years, I’ve only had that happen twice. Both times when I was rushing to get done.
I really liked my 2020 pump and I’m even happier with the Ping. I always check my BG before eating so it’s very convenient to use the Ping meter and then enter the amount of carbs and it calculates the entire bolus. The 2020 could do that with the extra step of having to key in the BG reading. Not a big deal but it’s just one less thing you have to do. It’s also nice that you can wear the Ping under your clothes because you can bolus via the meter.
That’s a tough question. I had fought with my endo for quite some time about changing “HIS” regime for “MY” blood glucose control. It was definitely a one sided relationship. So I did my research on pumps, etc. and found a new doctor who was willing to listen and make me a partner in my care. I took the pump literature with the completed order form on my first visit. I explained I was tired of having mediocre control, did my research and I wanted to go on the pump. In fact, Animas has a pump training workbook that you can download from their site. I read the entire workbook and did all the exercises. I took this with me as well. Being in information technology, my work schedule is working whenever I need to. This didn’t work very well with fixed mealtimes, snacks, etc. The new doctor saw I had done my homework, I was committed to improving my control, I was prepared to get the pump. Without hesitation, the pump prescription was written as soon as Animas contacted the doctor’s office.
The best I could get my A1C before the pump was 8.2. In less than a year it dropped and has stablized between 6.1 and 6.3.
The best is definitely better control. The least is dealing with the infusion set when sleeping. I’ve found the best thing for me was to buy the “Leg Thingy” to hold my pump while I sleep.
I had been on MDI for quite a while longer than you before deciding on pump therapy. I can honestly say I will never go back!
- what made you decide on Animas pump?
I liked the fact that Animas is waterproof, Minimed is not. If I go to an amusement park, I like to do waterrides and I don’t have to worry about having the pump get wet.
I like the reputation of Animas.
I like having the food database in the remote. I tend to eat the same foods so it is nice to be able to customize the database with my favorite foods and pull them up when I eat.
- I like the insertion of the Dexcom sensor and want the same feeling with the infusion set of Animas. So which set did you go with?
I originally started with the Inset but found out I am allergic to Teflon. I did not like the Contact Detach which is the Animas steel set so ended up going with a non-Animas set, Orbit Micro. The needles on the Oribit Micro are more comfortable than the Contacts.
- What is the pros and cons of the ping?
Technically, the pros are the same things I listed as why I like Animas – waterproof as well as the remote & food database. The pros of pumping are the variable basal rates – I have 7. Although I used different carb ratios for meals on MDI, my pump know from the time it is what is the right carb ratio to use. It does all the math for me based on the amount of carbs and what my BS is. It tracks the insulin on board and uses that in the calculation for a correction bolus. I have DP so my basal rates go up in the middle of the night to adjust for that.
- How did you convince your dr to get you on the pump? My dr wants me to go back on 4 shots a day then correction but it will be more stressful on me and I work during the lunch shift and can’t change my shift so I eat a snack instead as break is only 15 mins for me so I really want to go on the pump.
I did not have to try very hard. I used my PCP. He was reluctant but I assured him that if I had questions, Animas would be the one I would conact and I only needed him for his signature on the paperwork. He signed them.
Everytime I read about your doctor, I get angry! You should not jump thru these hoops to get a pump!
- How has your A1C been doing since switching from MDI to pump?
I had an A1c done on July 12th, 2 weeks after starting the pump and it was 5.8. On September 20th, it was 5.7. I wasn’t expecting huge changes in my A1c since it has been in the 5s anyway, but I did expect help with stuff like DP and making things more level for me with variable basal rates.
- What do you like the best and least about the ping?
The best is the food database.
The least – I wish I could use my AccuChek test strips in the meter part of the remote!
I like the color screen and being waterproof with kids thats a plus.
I really did not have to convince my doc I just said that I wanted to go on the pump, and we went form there.
The inset is what I use but the longer tubing so I do not have to fight with haveing to deal with the pump in the bathroom.
I am a bad diaabetic but having the pump does help me make sure I get insulin when I should.
Hope things work out with for you.
Why Animas? – Lots of different things came together for me. I like the fact it is waterproof, I really like the remote meter, I like the programming options and the number of programs I can store. Animas has a combination pump CGM in development with Dexcom, and that was important to me as well. I really liked the Animas technical team, and in particular, their local training manager. She was super. Overall, it was not much of a challenge for me to decide. I looked carefully at the Omnipod, and I think it is a great pump as well. I just did not think the tubeless issue was enough of a differentiator for me. I found it a little bulky to wear. I always wear my pump on my belt so it is not a problem at all for me.
I use the Animas Inset 30. I chose the 30 because I have a relatively lean abdomen, and the 30 degree angle works well for me. I also use the longer tubing length (43”) because it gives me the freedom to insert pretty much anywhere I want to. That is also a personal choice. I find the insertion virtually painless, and certainly easier than the Dexcom sensor, although I have no problem with that either.
The pros and cons for me are pretty much what others have commented on. I also really like the reputation of Animas as a company, and the stability that comes from their parent company – Johnson and Johnson.
Convincing my doctor was a non-issue, and it should not be for anybody. My feeling is that if your physician is not willing to consider putting you on the pump, he or she does not have a good understanding of control, and how much easier it is to achieve and maintain with a pump. I would simply look elsewhere for a more understanding physician who would be willing to partner with you in your treatment – this is 2010 – not 1959!. More often than not, the challenge might be with the insurance company, but this is really not a problem for type 1 diabetics. Most companies are also moving towards covering type 2 diabetics, because at the end of the day, control is better, and ultimately it makes economic sense to them to cover the pump and supplies.
My A1c has improved markedly, and I manage to keep it between 6.0 and 6.5
I have noticed the workbook and was thinking this is awesome! Medtronics doesnt have this. And read parts of it and boy if my printer behaved I would totally print out the whole thing! I started to read pumping insulin by John Walsh and I did read thinking like a pancreas and learned a heck of a lot! I also emailed a Animas rep who wrote a letter and wanted to get his feedback on how I can convince my dr to do this. And waiting to hear back. Thanks for your input!
You have no idea how much I am going to fight tooth and nail with him. I am going to print out this info tomorrow so I can show him what you guys are saying about my questions. I did learn having Nestea iced tea sky highs my levels! No more of that for me!!! But yeah, I am completely liking that it has a food database and you can set different insulin rates that can fit for me and can be changed once I get a more stable job.
Thanks! I just dont want to do MDI anymore. It is just being more of a hassle. And getting on a fixed meal time is just very impossible for me! My life changes in a minute to the next. Thanks
Thanks Bill for your input. I love my dexcom and can’t wait for it to merg with Animas. Which is one of the reason why I went with the dex along with the painless insertion of the sensor!
I can’t understand why my dr wont let me try it. My DE keeps telling me “we want you to be safe before you go on the pump”. I understand that but at the same time, my numbers are all over the place and staying on MDI isn’t going to be working s I need an easier management which I know at first it wont be easy but as time goes on, I’ll be loving a pump. I was diagnosed as a diabetic when I lost my insurance. So I couldn’t go on it from the get go.
But I keep saying is I want my pump now!
I am in the same boat as you kinda. My Endo keeps saying I want you in control before going on the pump. What the? I have some major DP I can be in perfect range at 2am and boom by 8am I am already in the 320’s. I kinda need the many basal rates. Sorry for hijacking this thread I just thought I would say your not alone
At one time, bad control was what you needed to get a pump. I totally don’t understand doctors that do this!
Yeah, I don’t eat ketchup on my hamburger anymore! I will keep my fingers crossed for you - you deserve it and your doctor better see that!
Are you on a CGM?? I discovered a lot while I sleep. I hit low when I’m really active and need the many basal rates as well. Especially when I work a job smack in the middle of lunch time. Plus I’ll be entering a CNA course where I’m not sure when lunch will be! So I am glad you are in the same boat as it is frustrating me big time.
I dont get it either. What does good control have to do with getting on the pump?? does doctors think that good control equals that you can handle the pump??
i still put ketchup on my burger. It taste too bland for me but I know not to have nestea iced tea anymore!
1.) I switched from Minimed to Animas primarily because of the Ping. I love the remote. Screen visibility is better at night when I don’t have my glasses on and alarms are louder. Water proof is nice although I don’t swim much the pool chemicals set off my asthma
I use Insets. I’ve tried most of the others too they’re ok but insets work so will stick with them.
Ping Pros: My pump can be secured under my clothing or in my bra and I don’t have to fish it out to bolus. I love the Ping. Cons: sometimes slower than I’d like communicating with pump, the scrolling to enter numbers is touchy and easy to over shoot and have to do it over again. Can’t set temp basal from Ping. Sometimes bolus delivery will be cancelled because I move out of range before it’s delivered. These negatives are really trivial for me and the advantages far, far outweigh the cons. I love the Ping.
I didn’t have to convince my dr. What insulin regimen are you on now? Your comments make me wonder if you’re on set doses or NPH? If that’s the case I would recommend that you reconsider your dr’s advice. Not because I think anyone should have to prove themselves or “earn” a pump but that I think it will actually make your life a lot easier in the long run. At least that was true for me. I’m a nurse and work out of an outpatient setting now but back in the day when I did hospital nursing NPH was an absolute nightmare and my life got a whole lot easier when I switched to MDI. Being able to make your insulin match your life was priceless when activity is variable and you don’t know when you’ll get to eat or if you had to wolf down your food in 5 minutes. Even with the lunch time shot it was much much much better. An insulin pen makes meal time shots really quick to do. Also being able to do corrections and dose insulin on food is a big big part of pumping. Understanding how that all works and getting an approximation of doses you’ll need on the pump will make pump start a lot easier in my opinion. If you don’t do it know you’ll end up learning all this during pump start which is already a huge learning curve that you’ve just made even bigger. (My opinion only based on personal experience and not what I’ve seen as a nurse disclaimer.)
5.) I don’t remember specifically as it was 8+ years ago but things definately improved. I was actually spiling protein in my urine at the time and with the better control on pumping my kidney function tests are normal.
6.) Best bolusing from the Ping. Least I miss Minimed’s escape button.
Good luck with your appointment on Monday.
I am on Humalog 75/25 mix on 28 units in the morning and 33 at dinner time. I just really do not like MDI anymore. My dr wants me to go back to 4 shots and I am fighting tooth and nail not to do it. I wont be able to do the lunch time dosage anyways! Plus my insurance only covers 1 box of pen needles and only 1 box of test strips (thanks to neighborhood diabetes company, they were able to get me more test strips). So doing corrections when is appropriate will be hard on 1 box a month. I like the fact there is a remote so I can just tell the pump to give insulin without pulling it out. It will make my life much easier for me.
I started using mayo instead, it doesn’t spike me as much. Wasn’t too sure when I first tried it but it isn’t that bad.
they did put me on a CGM last week for 3 days (very expensive with no insurance covering it here in AUS) and with that they moved me to Levimer but its made me worse.
They think its less guess work for them if I get it correct before hand. honestly they are lazy people.
its been going on for 4 years and I am about to move from them to another.