Ramblings of a Lunatic (content warning)

Its not my intention to be the way I am
Its because I don't know better
If I knew how to change don't you think I would have done it by now?
Maybe deep inside I don't care
Maybe I like being like this
Maybe I deserve it

I smile as I lay in my grave waiting for you not to look or leave so I can do what I want
Just walk away and don't look back

I can't remember who I am, or which me is the real one
I've worn one thousand faces too long
I have everything but me
I wear a coat of many colors to confuse you
Smoke and mirrors are my best friends

I hurt myself to feel better
I tear myself apart looking for some thing that I don't know
Its hard to find since I'm blind
I wonder if it is worth it to look

Pardon me while I stumble and fall
Just step over me
Nothing here but the ramblings of a lunatic
Move along

we love u just the way u are John! Luntic or not. Please remember we're here to takl to if u need to


You have described a state of mind so well. Please hurry and find your way back, we are waiting for you.

I often feel like this too John, especially with the Winter drawing in and the weather blowing me to kingdom come. At least here there are people who understand how you feel.

I feel like there is a lot of raw emotion in these words and find it moving, I love that Tu Diabetes allows us the opportunity to express it.

Thank you for sharing :)