Rebounding, an exercise with surprising benefits

While watching YouTube videos on various topics, I came across a video entitled, Exercise with a Difference. The presenter, Barbara O’Neill, can explain biochemistry, nutrition, and exercise ideas in a way that makes them understandable to the common person.

At the 34:50 mark of this video (the whole thing is worth your time), she raised the topic of rebounding as a great form of exercise. A rebounder is a mini-trampoline. She explains how this single exercise can provide a way to improve balance, help the lymph system, and increase bone health.

Her coverage of this issue fascinated me. It prompted me to order a rebounder and I just received it yesterday. I think this exercise will help me a lot. As I age (I’m 65 now), I know that maintaining my ability to balance is crucial for safety. Falls are one of the leading causes of degraded health in the elderly.

Here are a few pictures of my new rebounder.

To date, my main exercise has been walking. With adding the rebounder, I hope to do some high intensity interval training and also improve my balance. We’ll see.

Anyone else use a rebounder?


No, I use inline skates. - They are much smaller, easier to carry around especially in the car and can be used in the great outdoors. Inline skating is an amazing activity to help with balance as we age. There are inline marathon competitive skaters still competing at age 85. I quit competitions at age 65 but still go out for 20-25 mile skates a couple of time a week. Skating is also a great way to control BG,

If you get into skating, just make sure you wear a helmet, wrist guards and additional protection to always stay safe. Try it - You will love it.


I used to skate in Central Park with my dog all of the time. Yes, great exercise, great for leg muscles, and even cardio if going uphill! I fell plenty of times, no real damage except gravel engraved skin, but wrist guards esp should be definitely be worn!

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This looks interesting! Does it fold up? I’ve been trying to think of additional options to exercise independently. Walking, swimming, and the gym are options, but this looks like something I could do at home.

I used to rollerblade as a teenager and enjoyed it. But not something I can do safely alone.

Thanks for sharing!

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There are models with folding legs to facilitate quick storage. I bought the 44 inch diameter version but I know the smaller ones are 39 inch.

I do tai chi for balance. I think the rebounder looks scary to do when you live alone.

I’ve heard many good things about tai chi. I need to look into that, too.

Some rebounders feature a waist high handle to steady yourself.

Terry I use the Dr. Paul Lam dvds to practice tai chi at home. It is the shifting of weight between one leg and the other and the occasional standing on one leg that help improve balance. The website is here:

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I like the idea, but I’m fearful of hitting the ceilings. Our ceilings are 10’ and I don’t think that would be high enough. I’d prefer something more like 20’! I’m looking foward to watching the video tonight. Thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:

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@Tapestry They don’t let you bounce that high!!!

I got my first mini trampoline back in the early eighties and just barely got rid of it when we moved recently. I used to love it as I put on my headphones in a nice air conditioned house and run. If you keep it handy easy, it’s also a way to get rid of stress in a moment or I remember running for hours when a dog of mine had died (.

But it is not in my cards now to be running, more than likely ever so I finally decided to let it go and I use an exercise bike that has a seat. But it held up fine forever!


Thanks! Maybe I will find one in a store and I can test it out. I had the same problem with diving at one of our practice locations. I feared the diving pool wasn’t far enough away from the locker room doors and had a real hard time doing any kind of dive off of that spring board.

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I live with 10-foot ceilings as well. That seems like more than enough for this activity. Your feet only come off the mat about four inches.

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I’m betting you could also set it up close enough to a wall that you could use it to steady yourself. That would be my plan, if I get one.

I’m curious how much exercise these actually provide.

This may help give you an idea about how much work you could expect. This video starts with the most basic move, the health bounce.

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I’ve had one for years, with the handle bar !

I use resistance bands with handles, wrapped around the bar, that are helpful with balance when doing more aggressive jumping. This was recommended when diagnosed with neuropathy (after chemo treatments), which has improved since then. But I like the extra “handles” when needed, and get some added arm/shoulder exercising.

Did bouncing help with peripheral neuropathy? Do you still use it?

Neuropathy symptoms are minimal now, and no longer taking meds. I think the exercise helped with circulation, so not sure what helped more. Been over 5 years.



I just watched the video!

Just … Wow.

I could hug you right now!

I’ll be getting a rebounder in the near future!

Thank you from the top and bottom of my heart :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


I didn’t mention in the original post that the video talks mostly about the exercise physiology and not the actual moves. Barbara O’Neill has a pleasant and palatable way to communicate. Her Aussie accent doesn’t hurt either!

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The entire video was perfect!

Very easy to understand and something that should be doable!

I have wanted to get a recombant bike for a long time, but space is an issue.

It sounds like a rebounder will work even better than the bike, with the added benefit it will fit our home!
