
My eye doctor had always said my eyes showed no sign on retinopathy. I have been diabetic over 30 yrs. In 2006 I lifted a case of water and my right eye Ruptured! I had emergency laser that night. over the next 3 months I had 3 laser surgeries, 2 on the right and one on the left. At my follow up appt last October, the doctor said my eyes can’t hold anymore laser and I more or less am waiting to go blind! I only have 10 % blood supply to me eyes! I am devastated this happened so quick. Any comments or advise?

I hope the best for you, Linda. I don’t know what you can do. You could look for a second opinion.

University of Miami School of Medicine

I saw your post. My small contribution to your request for comments or advise is quite positive. I’ve been db for over 45 years. Similarly to you, the first "rupture "was frightening and unexpected. That was back in the late 70’s. I subsequently had what you describe- the eyefuls of laser treatment and limited blood supply. I may be visually-impaired, but the “lights have not gone out”, and with reasonably good glucose control, never should. I still have reasonable central vision, but the bleeding has not recurred since the last laser . With over 45 years of dealing with this, my two cents is nearly what all the healthcare cats profess. Keep your blood pressure under control, along with your sugars, watch your diet, but the biggest to me has been…accommodate my lesser vision. Bigger computer screens, magnifiers, I’ don’t resist asking for a bit of help from full-vision people. Before I retired, I ran a hugely successful company with over 500 people. Everyone of them was happy to assist their vision-impaired, but not blind boss along with my friends and fantastic family. My whole rambling leads me to one message: It’s not devastating, it needs dealing with it. The best to you!

Was your blood pressure high? That can make things deteriorate much faster, it puts a strain on the very fragile blood vessels at the back of the eyes. Blood pressure meds are a must for any diabetic with high blood pressure, to help protect both your eyes and your kidneys.

My grandmother was nearly blind from her retinopathy and other complications of diabetes.

Strong strong agreement in the idea of getting a second opinion. You need a very skilled retinal speciakist who has the experience and quilifications to at a minimum, follow your care to ensure that you retain as much of your remaining vision as possible. If your Dr is essentially saying he has done all that he can for you, I would strongly suggest getting a second opinion.

My story is similiar to Rick’s, I’ ve lived with D for 40 years. I had my first bleed at age 20, and was extremely fortunate to end up under the care of potentially one of the leading retinal specialists in NY. I was already an advanced case, with severe prolific retinopathy when I first saw him, but he is an amazing Dr, and I have no doubts he saved my vision. 3 surgeries does not sound like a lot to me, but I am not a Dr. I know I’ve had at least 7 surgeries in both eyes, like I said, my Dr was very skilled, he didn’t get in there and just blast away. I also know there are other types of lasers used, I think you really need a second opinion.

My outcome was very good. I have had 2 successful pregancies with no bleeds or re-occurance, the retinopathy has been stable for the past 15 years. I am visually impaired, legally blind in 1 eye, but correctable to 20/60 in the other, and I drive (daylight only), work, and live a pretty good life. Magnifiers, zooms for computers, desktop magnification devices if you need them can all help you live your life.

You are in a very scary place right now, there are not a whole lot of resources for people who are not blind, but suffer from visual impairment, but each path is unique, and if you are determined, it can be lived with, and you can live well with it. Controlling your D is very imporatnt, as Rick said, but it happens to some of us, even some of us that have had really good control (I wasn’t one of them, had awful control in my teens and 20’s, but I do much much better now!). If you live in the NY area, I can give you the names of a my doctors. Possibly as important as having a good retinal specialist is finding a good low vision Dr. The retinal specialist helped me keep the vision I had left. My low vision Dr helped me learn to live with my remaining vision. One resource is a organization called vision aware. Their website is . They have a pretty good list of resources and what is available in your state, as well as links to companies that make different types of adaptive equipment. Feel free to contact me, I know what your going through, it’s hard, and scary, but you’ll get through it! Feel free to write back, I hope this helps a little!

Linda,I have the same problem,“No more laser treatments”. My Optomologist, who specialises in retinapathy, injected some type of steroid in my eye . My vision did improve, I don’t remember the name of the med but I’l try to find out. Like Steve,I would suggest you get a second opinion. Our sight is too imporant to leave it in the hands of one Physician,no matter how good he/she may be.Don’t give up. Seek another opinion. Best to you,Pete Ps

Hi Linda,

I’m really sorry to hear that. I have also been told that I cannot have anymore laser treatment (I was having it every 12 weeks in both eyes for about 18 months). I have been told that it is now under control but if anymore blood vessels do burst, they cannot do anything for me. As if that wasn’t enough I also have a tear on my left retina which could detach at any time. I often feel that I am playing the waiting game so although I can’t give you any advice on it, I know how you feel. I am just getting on with my life now and when it happens, I will deal with it.

I do wish you all the best for the future though.

Dear Linda
I am Natali. I had 9 laser surgeries in 2004-2005. 5 on the right and 4 on the left. IExcept n 2005 due to diabetic retinopathies I have several problems with my vision and had 9 surgeries on my eyes. Right now I have silicones in my eyes. it needs to be taken out from the left eye and replaced iand change n the right eye. We know that we are at a risk of eye complication. So Frequent hypoglycemia is harmful for our eyes. Blood glucose control is important in our life… I whant to say that 9 laser surgeries are not exact. I did not know it and because right now I have 10% of vision on the left, but by the right eye I can see some sobjects only . In my country in Georgia, Tbilisi there are not competent eye doctors wich are able to make such difficut operation wich I needed and need… besides I am not insured because insurance companies do not insure chronic diseases. Test-strips for glucose, medicines and doctors appoitment are tremendously expensive. So Diabetic retinopathy is a general term for all disorders of the retina caused by diabetes.the blood vessels are so damaged they close off. In response, new blood vessels start growing in the retina. These new vessels are weak and can leak blood, blocking vision, which is a condition called vitreous hemorrhage. The new blood vessels can also cause scar tissue to grow. After the scar tissue shrinks, it can distort the retina or pull it out of place, a condition called retinal detachment.
I would like to be friends with you. Ans I wish you the best!!!
best wishes, Natali

You wouldnt have had ruboxistaurin mesylate injected into your eye?
This is a promising new drug still wrapping up its trials at least last i heard. They were testing it in Boston among other places…