The fun ride that is the T1 diabetes glucocoaster hit me this weekend, pretty much out of nowhere. I should preface this post with noting that I did everything I should; I counted my carbs, bolused appropriately, etc. But T1 doesn’t always play fair. I think some of this might be due to change of seasons (my insulin requirements always go down when it gets warm), and I had a couple of lows that just hit me from nowhere. So I did the logical thing and reduced my basal rate. Maybe this was a bad call, though. When I went to bed last night, I was 200. I didn’t correct because I usually come down overnight and didn’t want to risk an overnight low, and it was warm in our house which increases my risk of going low. I got up at 3AM and tested and was…301. I did a correction, went back to sleep and was still down to only 196 when I woke up, too high for my taste. I know my infusion set is ok because I came down a bit (when my infusion set craps out, I just go up, up, up…). I feel surprisingly good today, despite riding this crazy ride. My BG is finally back in range after a really low carb breakfast and correction bolus. Let’s hope it stays there because this ride is no fun!!
“Glucocoaster” LOVE IT!
I know exactly how you feel. I myself experienced some similar issues this past weekend. One night I woke up twice with a low, and the next I couldn’t get below 200, even though I did not change a thing. I recently started following the paleo diet, and for the most part I do not take as much insulin or see as many highs, but have been experiencing more roller-coaster rides. Heres to hoping we all get this sob under control.