Today while activating a new pod I accidentally clicked through all the checks (including clicking start) before having the pod placed. Needless to say when I starting hearing the clicks and knew the cannula would deploy in seconds I went into crisis mode. Short story shorter… I tore my shirt off and slapped it on my triceps right before the cannula deployed. There was no pain and seems to be working great.
Anyone else have a close call like this? Guess this is another aspect I never had to consider with my old pump; still much happier with OmniPod though.
the only thing I have a tendancy to do is try to prime the pod without insulin in it then i`m like oh no oh no hurry up insulin get in the pod. it usually works out okay for me. I`m sure all of us have rushed throgh changing a pod a couple of times
I made this mistake once when starting on the pod and was really annoyed.
Another mistake I made was answer "no" to the question about "Has the cannula inserted correctly" ? If you answer "no" , it disables the pod permanently and you have to fill a new one.
Bummer!!! You'd think that would be a place where they'd make you confirm it a bunch of times, but it probably isn't, huh? I really don't like that question about the cannula, anyway. I can hardly ever see it, and I definitely can't if I'm wearing it on my back. Shoot.