Just started Friday evening, having great results so far.
Manual says only place sensor on abdomen, so followed instructions. Was wondering if anyone uses other locations, and what results…
Just started Friday evening, having great results so far.
Manual says only place sensor on abdomen, so followed instructions. Was wondering if anyone uses other locations, and what results…
We use the backside (upper/side of butt area) and it works wonders. Stays on MUCH MUCH better and the readings are still spot on. I know many others use back of the arm, but my son is afraid to try it there for some reason. We haven't used abdomen since the first month we got it as we couldn't get it to stay put!
I use the top of the thigh both sides almost exclusively now. The current sensor is on day 24 right thigh. I get great readings there and it leaves a bunch of other spots for the Omnipod pump. I use opsite flexifix tape and it stays put through tennis, walking, racquetball, golf, cycling and general wear.
I use my arms and for me it is better than abdomen
I second Clare’s response. I am on day 21 with my sensor on the top of my right thigh. It’s the longest I’ve been able to extend a sensor, as they’ve typically fizzled out right around two weeks. I also found that the couple of sensors I used on my abdomen were the shortest-lived and least comfortable. Haven’t tried my arms yet because I don’t know if I could insert and remove all the assorted materials one-handed!
Clare, have you had any pain or tenderness after wearing your sensor in one spot for so long? At 21 days, this is my longest-wearing one and I’m a little nervous. I don’t have (nor have I had) any pain or irritation. Just wondering if you’ve felt fine…
I don't feel any pain with the sensor in for a long time and there is no tenderness when I remove the sensor. There is invariably a mark from the sensor wire but it heals quickly. And since I can wear it for as long as I do, the other side is fully healed by the time I need to insert a new one. I have used my arms and there are a couple of good videos online showing solo arm site insertions. The sensors haven't lasted as long on my arms though, but it is the only site where I actually get readings when I get in the pool and swim laps.
When you guys say upper thigh, what is the exact location- inner thigh, outter thigh or in the middle? I have only used abdomen because I tried my arm once and found it to be uncomfortable but id ove to have a second option.
Melissa, for me, it’s smack in the middle of the top of my thigh. It sits right below where a pants pocket would hit. If I place my hand on the top of my thigh, the sensor is right under my middle knuckle/palm. The first time I placed it there, it was a touch too far to the outside of my thigh and as a side sleeper, it drove me crazy every night. I find that if it’s right in the middle it doesn’t bother me at all. Let us know if you try it and how it works for you!
Nothing works for me but my upper arms..Tummy gets pulled or knocked off repeatedly...and for some reason, it fails frequently everywhere but my arms...I have not had a failed sensor in my arms for months and months...And
I usually go four weeks...I change the sensor when the adhesive starts to look funky , I figure it probably is getting funky..and I definitely get it out if I "Feel" anything..like an itch or a pain or a burn...But as I said that hasn't happened in months and months...
Except for the little buttons on the wheel falling off,and some smart alecs, or should I say dummies, in customer service, Not all of them...I was just unlucky....I have had nothing but good from this CGM and gained excellent control from its use.
One thing of note...You must calibrate...and NEVER make a glucose / insulin decision based on your CGM alone...re-test with a finger stick...Just when you think it is going to be right on accurate it may be off by enough to really mess you up...This is a tool for watching trends...So Be careful... And Good Luck!
I also agree with Clare. The first month I did the abdomen and it was fine; however the big bulge under my shirt bugged me. Next I tried the upper arm and didn't like that since I bumped into things with it. For a long time now I exclusively use the upper thighs. I experimented over time and found that about the longest it would remain accurate was about 5-6 weeks so I have defaulted to one month. No pain and the pin hole is smaller and in better shape than 3-5 days on my infusion sets...yeah I extend them too and put them anywhere.
I put mine on the outer thigh. If I was wearing jeans, I could just touch the top of the sensor if I put my hand in the right hand, or left hand corner of the pocket. Today is day 25 that is my max to this stage of the game so we'll see what happens today.
Last time I was on day 25 the readings were great. I headed to my club to play a racquetball match. As I arrived at the club I got a call on my cell. It was Dexcom customer support wondering if I needed any sensors since the last batch of 12 had been sent in February. I thanked them and said no I still had 7 from the previous shipment. That was on June 11th. Of course I jinxed it because the sensor died during my racquetball match :), but I certainly got my moneys worth out of it since insurance picks up 100% of the cost lol. To date I still have 4 sensors left and they will start to expire before I can begin to use them. But I have read on here somewhere that even expired sensors are perfectly ok and give good readings.
I'm curious how you manage to go that long without the adhesive falling off. I'm trying to go 2 weeks at the moment, but the adhesive starts to fail long before that -- the last one started to fail after 2 days. So I've used extra tape, which also fails quickly, and SkinTac, which lasts a bit longer, but NOTHING has lasted more than a week. So what magic do you guys have to suggest?
Natalie, if you don't mind me adding my two cents, here it is :) I am continually boggled by the number of people who have this issue, because I've never had a problem. Strange how our bodies react so differently! I just took my sensor off after three weeks and had no adhesive issues. In fact, I had trouble getting the sensor tape off! It was still really sticky after all that time. Immediately after placing the sensor, I cut a hole (for the transmitter) out of a 3x4(ish) tegaderm patch and place it on top of the white sensor patch. The edges start to loosen after about a week, sometimes earlier. So when they do, I very carefully peel up the tegaderm and replace it with a new piece. I do this while sitting, since I wear my sensors on my leg and that way, it won't accidentally fall off while I'm taking the old tegaderm off. I press down on the transmitter to hold it steady and gently ease the tegaderm off my site. I save the little centers of tegaderm that are cut out for the transmitter and will sometimes use those small pieces to patch the edges of the existing tape if I don't feel like replacing the whole thing. I have never used Skin Tac or Opsite. I also have pretty dry skin and live in a dry climate. I don't know if that makes a difference...I don't put lotion on or shower immediately before changing my sensor. I just wipe the spot down with an alcohol pad. I hope you find something that works!
No magic, unless you count Opsite Flexifix ? That is what I use to keep the sensor on. The adhesive on the sensor itself stays as well. And I am the same as Shelby as far as having to peel it off at the end.
I bought a couple rolls of the stuff in November it is 4" wide and so far I haven't even finished one roll. I have a template for the transmitter and just cut a hole.
Sometimes the flexifix will start to peel up and I just cut off those bits and if need be reapply. Day 25 and still perfectly adhered.
One more spot to consider is the flank - side of the body that is just above your waist and below the last rib. It does take little flexibility to insert the sensor. The benefit of this is that very little rubs against this spot and it doesn't show through the shirt, unlike the front of the abdomen. My sensors too stay on for 2-3 weeks. When the white adhesive starts to loosen up, I glue it back with skin tac. Tegaderm is fine too - tried it and it works. Haven't tried the flexifix yet.
One more spot to consider is the flank - side of the body that is just above your waist and below the last rib. It does take little flexibility to insert the sensor. The benefit of this is that very little rubs against this spot and it doesn't show through the shirt, unlike the front of the abdomen. My sensors too stay on for 2-3 weeks. When the white adhesive starts to loosen up, I glue it back with skin tac. Tegaderm is fine too - tried it and it works. Haven't tried the flexifix yet.
Fascinating! I live in a dry climate also, and have dry skin. I'm allergic to Tegaderm, but can use Hypafix or IV3000, but I find both of those come up after a day or two. I do use SkinTac but it sometimes doesn't even last the week that the Dex sensors are supposed to be good for (I want to go 2 weeks!). When you reapply SkinTac, it doesn't work nearly as well. But I'm going to keep on trying -- it's more of a nuisance than anything else.
I use the inner thigh (so that if you put your legs together, it sits just above where the thighs touch; a good hands length or more above the knee).
I use a product called "Skin Tac Wipe"
it is latex free and hypoallergenic.
It aids in adhesion appliance
It serves as a barrier between tape and skin
It goes on very sticky, dries, then you apply the sensor as usual..
Use alcohol wipe of course before..and after to remove
It is made by Torbott Group and the reorder # is MS407W
I have just begun using it as a barrier for my infusion insets also since that adhesive has begun to irritate me..Dual purpose! Extra stikies...and graet barrier! :)