Seven year old with elevated bg

I am panicking about my daughter. For the last few days she has been really thirsty and had belly pain. I checked her bg after she went to bed tonight and got 174. I think I will put a call in to the doctor in the morning. Is it possible for a childs bg to be that elevated and have it not be diabetes? Please help!

No. Well… 99.9% no.

I can completely understand your concern and I think you should call the doctor in the morning.

Are you sure that her finger was clean? If there was a chance that she had some food on it, that can cause a false high.

174 is certainly higher than she should be. So I would certainly call the doctor.

She had just got out of the tub and straight into the bed. I am really upset and I know that I should try not to be, but can’t help it.

How long ago did she eat before getting into bed? … And what did she eat?

It was about 4 hours from when she had dinner, she had chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwich

Even after eating, 174 is higher than a non-diabetic would be. BUT it would be best to confirm this, just in case it was a false reading. You could even go check her blood sugar while she is sleeping.

I guess, try to stay calm… keep her well hydrated, and when you call the doctor make it very clear that she’s presenting hyperglycemia… so that they’ll see her right away, that day, and she doesn’t have to wait.

Prudent to check it out with the Doc …even for your own piece of mind …be well

I hope this is just a fluke but I in my heart I feel like it is a real possibility I cheked her again just now and it was 179. The only way to know for sure is at the doctor and I hope he can disprove my fear!

sorry about all my spelling mistakes!!!

Don’t take no for an answer. She needs to be seem right away. It’s going to be o.k. If she is diabetic you caught it before she went into DKA.

I hope this is all going to turn out to be nothing and that I am just overreacting to the number! I will make an appointment for her in the A.M.

It’s okay… :slight_smile: We all misspell stuff … For now, maybe you can get some things ready for tomorrow… Like have the doctor’s number on hand, so you don’t have to look for it in the morning. Arrange rides, and things like that, if someone needs to take her to the doctor first thing. Sometimes, the local First Nurse program can make appointments ahead of time for us, especially in emergencies. You can also, like Kristin suggested, check her sugar while she sleeps… maybe every few hours or so.

Understand your worry & fears.

Afraid that’s rather high many hours after eating to be considered normal–so sorry. I’ve read that children tend to run lower than adults & can have BG consistently in the 70’s. Have you tested her two hours after meals also? You mentioned four hours in yesterday’s discussion also.

If you weren’t going through this yourself, you wouln’t have caught this in time.

Please call the doctor & let us know what happens.

Hey there,

Once when my daughter was sick (dehydrated with a fever for a few days) her “fasting” sugar was 160-something. I was immediately concerned that she was becoming diabetic so I know where you are at. The doctors told me at the time (and I did not believe them at all) that illnesses can elevate blood sugars even in non-diabetics. They cited sugars in the 300’s in non-diabetic kids… I don’t know if they are right or wrong, but they were right in the case of my daughter. She is fine - for now.

And by the way, you are not freaking out, you are being a good mama. Do take her in the morning. She is fortunate to have an aware caring mother. I wish you the best and pray that the news is good for her.

I’ll be thinking of you and yours. please keep us posted.


The reason it is always 4 hours after dinner is because that is when she is asleep and I can poke her without any resistance from her. I have not let on to her that I am concerned because I don’t want to cause her any anxiety about what is possibly going on. Should I let her eat in the morning? or should she be fasting?

It should be fasting, in my opinion… If you can get an appointment early enough for that.

My vote is for fasting too. Check her on your meter in the AM if you can just to have a “second opinion” to what they may do at the doctor’s office.

That makes sense. Smart mom!

Add my vote for fasting also. Hoping you can get an appointment quickly. Make sure her doctor does an A1c.

Great idea from Rachel to test her yourself in the morning also.

Hoping this is just a fluke!