SF Bay Area Diabetes Endos/Perinatologists


My wife and I just moved to Oakland, and she lost the endo she had just recently found in Seattle.

She's had type 1 for 24 years, uses an Omnipod and a CGMS (off and on), and our insurance calls endos specialists and charges extra for the co-pay. Kind of annoying when that is really primary care for someone w/diabetes.

So we want to find someone who will be worth the surcharge. She's been at this awhile, so heavy-handed condemnation of "bad" numbers is really not the ticket for her, nor are people who primarily specialize in type 2. Someone supportive, smart, and who will come up with actual ideas to analyze the numbers and better manage her diabetes is appreciated. We also need someone who can help her prepare for pregnancy.

Any recommendations? Even anti-recommendations are welcome. We'll take recommendations for perinatologists, too.


For a peri, you can check this site: www.smfm.org It’s the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine. Look under patient resources and there is a doc locator. It’s a great resource for finding peri’s across the country. It will give you a list of peri’s who are members in the San Fran area. Sorry, I can’t help with an Endo.

The doctors at UCSF are amazing. Their diabetes center is highly up to date; they are willing to work with their patients and are very responsive (emails/calls/whatever with an average one day turnaround in my experience). They are familiar with everything “newer” - Omnipods, symlin, CGMs, etc. - and are constantly doing new clinical trials in which some patients can participate. They host forums where diabetics can get together and learn about new research/developments (one is coming up in June). I started on the Omnipod with the diabetes team at UCSF. They have been very helpful in answering all my questions and figuring out basals/boluses when I’ve been frustrated. My most appreciated moment so far was when my dr told me I was doing very well at a point when I was irritated w/ my numbers. I pointed out that my numbers were not where I wanted, and he replied, “well, our definitions of “very well” are different - are you paying attention? Are you making changes? Yes, so that is excellent.” So they don’t give you grief if you have tough times.

The only downside is that they are in high demand. Once you are a patient, they are available all the time. BUT until you get in the door, it can be difficult to get an appointment. I waited maybe three months for my first appointment with an endo and had to get a UCSF general practitioner to sign off first (not an insurance requirement; UCSF required it!). I’m glad I did wait, b/c my endo is great, BUT it was annoying. I saw their diabetes educator in the meantime however, so it wasn’t THAT big of a deal.

Anyway, hope you find someone right for you!

There is also a website to locate Endos anywhere in the U.S. - http://www.aace.com/

I have Kaiser and see Dr. Pamela Kershner in Walnut Creek. She is excellent! I can also highly recommend Dr. Douglas Zlock, who is associated with John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek (not Kaiser). He is great!

Thanks, everyone. Esjay, you’re not kidding about UCSF! I called them (I’m the phone person in the family), and the person I talked to all but said, you can try to get in, but we won’t take her.

They required not only a PCP recommendation (like a college application!), but medical records and a copy of both sides of the insurance card before they would say if they’d take her as a patient. I asked on what basis they decided, and she said it was based on her medical records. Will her SATs be high enough?! I mean A1Cs.

We may have found a way around it, but only because my wife was already seeing another clinician at UCSF. (Nepotism!)

What a strange medical system we are part of.