Has anyone utilized their thigh as a site for their pump? I just used mine for the first time today from being on a pump since April 2012. I actually was expecting a little pain since I am so skinny, but actually it was painless. I think I have more pain in my abdominal instead of my thigh... Anyone else experience their tigh as a site?
I use my upper thigh as a CGM site. It works very well. I get good and consistent BG readings, so I guess it should work well as a site for the pump.
I use my thigh as my rotation site when I've been using the areas of my stomach and hips too long. It works fine but I tend to forget it's there and pull it out occasionally.
I started using my thigh a few weeks back.
Initially I had problems as I was placing them too low on the leg.. I would often get occlusions and blood backing up into the tubing..
I would also get swelling and bruising at the site.
I have moved the sets up to the top of the leg and they are working much better.