Skin care

I had a hysterectomy on Monday, March 30 and came home a couple days later. While doing a dressing change today, I noticed a huge blood blister under one of the steri-strips so we cut it and the others back, leaving the strip on but shorter. as there were other blisters forming. Is this normal with diabetes? We had noticed the skin on my belly peeling also and quit using tape to hold the bandage on, opting instead for self-adhesive pads. Was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem.

hi, Terry, I was looking around the forum for any discussions out there that might shed some light on your problem. I did find this one which talks about various skin problems. I hope it helps. Please tell us if you find something that works. Hope you’re back in the swing soon.

Hi Marie

Well, most of those are pretty chronic things, this is more acute, not like excema or psoriasis. I see myself in a lot of those posts but not for this particular condition. I bought some Bio-Oil to use on my dry skin patches, which has helped a lot, but it says not to use it on open skin, so I can’t use it yet on the blistered areas. Thanks for the concern, though.

Terry it sounds more like me that you are allergic to the adhesive on the steri strips and tape,try getting some paper tape and see if that helps any. The complication I had with diabetes was the wound would not heal and it eviserated,meaning it came open. But yours sounds like an allergic reaction tome. Good luck on trying the paper tape and have a speedy recovery.

Hi Terry,

Sorry, don’t know the answer to your question, but had to say how darling that kitten photo is!

I’ve had success healing blisters with aloe vera gel, but don’t know if this is allowed on a surgical site.

Thanks; that’s what I’m thinking, too. If it doesn’t look better by Monday, I’m calling the doctor.

Thanks for the compliment on the kitty! I found that somewhere on the net and just fell in love with him! He looks just like my George when he was a kitten; here's what he looks like now. Aloe vera gel sounds good, too.

George is beautiful! Gorgeous coloring & such a sweet face.

If your doctor says aloe is ok, look for the stuff that’s 100% pure gel (no irritating chemicals). Even better, is getting an aloe plant & just slicing open a leaf. Very soothing & healing. I use it for everything.

Hope you’re feeling better soon.

I have the same problem. I am allergic to the adhesive on the bandages. I found out when I had a C - Section with my youngest child. The scars from the bandages are worse than the scar from the incision. I had to use the paper tape.

I have to change out my pump site every 2 days because I have become allergic to the adhesive on the infusion sets and the pads. I still get a rash under the infusion set but it is well worth not having to take 7 or more shots a day.

I had an incident today; had to go to the ER because my incision split open about an inch or so at the top. No one was home or around so I had to call 911. Now it’s packed with gauze on a wet-to-dry dressing and has to be changed twice a day. I imagine I’ll be seeing my doctor tomorrow, too. Felt so bad; it wasn’t a real emergency but scary, nonetheless!

Oh, no. Very scary!

Unicornzzz, I get this too. what adhesive do you use? I use IV3000. It’s a little better than Tegaderm for me.