I just wanted to give a heads up to all you ladies out there who are not sleeping well AND struggling to control your blood sugar.
I’ve been having some really unpredictable changes in insulin resistance from day to day… I’ll go high for a few days, up my insulin ratios, then have days of crippling lows, lower my insulin ratios, have a day of highs, etc. Very stressful!
Anyway I was talking to my endo about possible causes, and how exhausting it was to sleep so poorly and then deal with crazy highs the next day… which prompted her to bring up the fact that lack of sleep can change insulin resistance quite a lot. So I started paying attention to how well I was sleeping and BINGO. When I don’t sleep well, I go high the next day. When I sleep well, I need less insulin.
Now I am taking sleep aids prescribed by my doctor as the (much) lesser of two evils and things have stabilized. I didn’t touch any sleep meds before even though I was getting awful insomnia because I didn’t want to do anything to hurt the baby. The irony is that sacrificing my sleep in order to keep the baby safe probably did more harm than good…
ANYWAY, I wanted to put it out there as this was not something that was really on my radar moving into the third trimester.
Yet ANOTHER important factor though that all of us who aren’t sleeping well should be aware of!