
Its been 7 years now…you think i would be used to overnights now, but Im stil la basketcase every time she spends the night at a friends. last time she woke up at 1 am at 40! because she had bolused earlier then a half hour later tested and bolused again and went to of course i have to go into a lecture on when the insulin peeks and how long it lasts…blah blah ,and then the what ifs. So now I’m constantly calling and texting, I’m sure she gets frustrated. There is rarely a weekend or even weekdays that there isn’t a freind or 2 or 3 staying here. It makes me so anxious…but on a good note J turned 13 tuesday, had her first track meet yesterday came in 3rd in the 200 and won her relay( she was really proud of that because they were behind). It really is great watching her succeed in all that she does, not letting diabetes get in the way. To her it justs seems like a minor annoyance…lol i should take tips from her.

Oh, you have my thoughts exactly. When my son was diagnosed at 10, I said no more sleepovers - he always gets sick afterwards anyway. He is now 14. I still say no sleepovers - although I think I have let him go to 3 since then. They make me very nervous. He never sleeps at them so he is aware of his blood sugar but the lack of sleep
throws him for a loop. The nights are scary and I don’t like not having him at home. How I will handle college is far beyond me when I don’t even handle sleepovers!! I empathize with you because this is something I am concerned with and always wondering if other parents want that burden or concern. Glad you started this topic - I will be anxious to see others responses. Nancy

i’m 20 years old and i’m still afraid of staying in places other than my own. My boyfriend likes to go out late at night, and have friends over for a drink etc etc, and this still makes me iffie because as a diabetic I know that I cannot stay up till 4 in the morning socializing

overnights kill me too! and my daughter is going to be 15! But we are new and there are so many variables still…even if there wasn’t. Its nerve wrecking. The worst was when she went on a trip w/her Drill team (NJROTC) I was a wreck.

For me, sleepovers are really hard. Either your friends think it’s bad or something and you’re embarrased to take it or you want to show off about doing your shots… it’s tough being a teen! I make sure I have set times where my mom knows I will call. My mom also talks to the friend’s parent and lets them know all the info. I don’t bolus for most of the junk we eat other than dinner if we’re going to be dancing, partying, ect. It’s helpful to just have a talk about the plan before I go. good luck!