Smiths Medical is planning to discontinue manufacturing the Deltec Cozmo® insulin pump for direct sale

I dated a fellow pumper for three years and there was only one activity where the pumps made things interesting. One of us would have to disconnect and untangle when we were finished, but we both decided it just added to the fun. She was MM I was Cozmo.


You’ve seen that Animas and Omnipod are offering switch deals, too?

I’ve used both the Cleo 90 and the Inset (Unomedical and Animas partnership), and I prefer the Inset. It’s easy to insert (spring loaded instead of having to push it in by hand and listen for a click) and the medical tape product they use is much more effective (“stickier”).

I don’t know that any of us can count on Smith Medical being able to continue support of their diabetic division for another 3-4 years (for those of us who have recently switched over to Cozmo and still have a lot of warranty left). There is no doubt that they’re putting their best foot forward, but keep in mind they didn’t tell most of their reps they were losing their jobs until the day they shut down their pump division. So there’s really no way to know how long they will be able to support warranty repairs, have recertified pumps in stock, etc.

I will second you on the Inset being preferable over the Cleo 90. I would encourage people to try the inset. You can get them from whichever distributor you’re having to switch to for cartridges and cleos anyway OR you can do what I did and set up an account with Animas and order the Insets through them (and then you get included on their mailings about new technology from their company).

And I also absolutely agree with you about those of us who will still be on the Cozmo 3-4 years from now. I’m new to the Cozmo, too. While I trust they would be able to send me a back-up if I had total system failure and will honor the warranty as promised, who’s going to be manning that desk three years from now when I get an error message I don’t understand? That’s not something I’m comfortable having a skeleton crew or an outsourced third-party handling. I, too, doubt that their fabulous staff dedicated to product support will still be there 24 hours a day.

So…I went ahead and ordered the Omnipod for the $49.99 upgrade offer. Yeah, it’s their first gen PDM, but it’s a brand new system (as in not recertified) and they are NOT requiring pump trade in so I will still have my in warranty Cozmo as a back-up for the next few years. It’s the right switch for me. I have my setup training in less than 2 weeks. If you’d have told me a month ago that I’d be on a different pump by the start of summer, I’d never have believed it. I love the Cozmo. But here I go!

I have stop using the Cozmo pump since early 2008 and told CCS medical and they keep bother me about Pump Rental? I have my hubby insurance and medicare and got the pump around 2005-06. I even told them I would return the pump to them if they wanted it and they said no, that it was mine to keep.
Another person called today about a so called pump supply bill. I told them that I have not used the pump nor supplies and have not received any supplies since 2008! He then said something that they were research about it.
What can I do about this pump rental, will I be billed forever for this? I even asked them that if I go ahead and pay for this rental would that be the end of it? They could not give me a answer. help someone.

Has anyone found a way to replace the function of the Deltec Hypomanager? I moved from three years on a Deltec 1800 (my first pump) to the OmniPod. I only know two ways to correct hyperglycemia, the 15/15 rule and the HypoManager which worked great and was much more accurate. Without it I feel like I am just flipping a coin.

Thank you for your help,
