Need help from home (US) from Deltec Cozmo users!

Maybe somebody from the USA can help me out. I have a Deltec Cozmo pump. The Cozmonitor (BG meter that attaches to the back) is currently not available over here, due to a approval from the German FDA they didn’t get yet.

I tried to order the glucose meter through Smiths Medical in the US, but they wouldn’t sell me one because my pump serial # wasn’t issued in the US.

I talked to Smiths Medical in Germany, they told me that they can not get me a meter, but if I would have somebody back in the States to help me out the Cozmonitor would work with my pump (the lying SOB’s at Smiths in the US told me the meter wouldn’t work with my pump because of the software. That’s a bunch of BS).

The Smith Medical online shop carries the Cozmonitor for around US$69.95. I have an international veryfied PayPal account and could reimburse you right away. I do have a shipping address in the US (my cousin in NY). He could forward the BG meter to me.

Help please ! :wink: Thank you for reading this.

Hi Mike,
I am not sure what you need someone here to do. I have the Cozmonitor and don’t use it. I found that it added too much weight and bulk to the pump. Plus I had also am not sure it was that accurate. I took it off and use a freestyle flash meter. I made a promise to myself that I would enter in all my sugars, but only find I enter the high ones for a correction blous. All in all I think the Cozmonitor is more trouble then it is worth. However, l am willing to help out if I can.

Hi Deirdre,

thanks for replying and helping me out. What I need is somebody back in the US with a Cozmo pump (with US serial no.) who can order the Cozmonitor for me.

If you don’t want yours I’ll buy it off you. I think the meter is very practical, I don’t have to carry a 2nd device with me (I travel light on the motorcycle).
I will use the Cozmo software with it and do the entering of boluses and BG levels via the IR device on my computer.

You can shoot me an email at mightymike (at) mustangs (dot) com

Thanks again !!

If you guys are interested, this is what happend so far: I might be pushy, but I really hate it when somebody tries to BS me

Von: Michael [mailto:xxxxxxxxx]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2007 17:02
An: ‘’
Betreff: Urgent question
Wichtigkeit: Hoch
Dear Sirs,

I have a urgent question for you. I’m a type 1 diabetic, currently living in Germany. I have tried to get a Cozmonitor BG meter from Smith Medical (mfgr. is Abbott) in the US, since it’s not available in Germany right now.

First I’ve been told that it wouldn’t work with my software, but I found out that’s not the truth. Now they are telling me that FDA regulations keep them from selling me a meter.

Could this be true ? I would like the verify this information before contacting the press about this issue and get it out the public.

Thank you very much in advance for your help. You will find the correspondence with Smiths Medical below.

Yours sincerely,

Michael xxxxxxxx

Von: xxxxx, Terry (xxxxxx) []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2007 15:56
An: Michael
Betreff: RE: Cozmo store

We are not able to sell you our Cozmonitor. Because of FDA regulations we are only able to sell to customers who purchased there pump in the US.


From: Michael
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 3:48 AM
To: xxxxxx, Terry (xxxxx)
Subject: AW: Cozmo store


I just found out that the Cozmonitor meter will work with my pump/software. Would you sell one to me now ?

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

Michael xxxxxx

Von: xxxxxx, Terry (MPAU) []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2007 15:30
An: Michael
Betreff: RE: Cozmo store


We will not be able to process your web order # 7886. Our Cozmonitor will not work with your pump. The software is different in your pump then in the pumps sold in the US. You will need to contact the company you order your supplies from to order the clear belt clip.


From: Michael xxxxxxx [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 7:32 AM
To: xxxxxxx, Terry (xxxxx)
Subject: AW: Cozmo store
Hi Terry,

thanks for checking. I ordered via the webstore on Monday. My billing address is in Germany, since I use a German credit card, the shipping address is my cousin Robert Ilyichenko in Hauppauge, New York.

I received the pump from my doctor in Germany, only the Cozmonitor wasn’t available.

I’ll attach the confirmation I received on monday, maybe this helps tracing my order.

Thanks again for helping me out !

Michael xxxxxxxxx

Von: xxxxxx, Terry (xxxxxxx) []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2007 14:04
An: Michael
Betreff: [Norton AntiSpam] Cozmo store

Hi Michael,
I am not able to find your name in our system. Are you the pump user or is it someone else. Did you purchase you pump in the US? I will need to know these things to process your web order # 7886 or you can call customer service at 1-800-826-9703.

Terry xxxxxxx
Customer Service Representative-Diabetes
Smiths Medical MDPM
1265 Grey Fox Rd
St. Paul, MN. 55112
Ph: 1-800-826-9703 ext. xxxxxx
Fax: 1-800-209-2145

Try going to this site you may have better luck than from the smith-medical webstore. I am not sure if you need a prescription to buy the cozomonitor or if it is covered by insurance. If you are able to call during regular business hours (US) ask to speak to a Clinical Diabetes Representative. I have found that the Customer Service Reps do not always know what they are talking about. I am sure a concern they have is that you may get false readings and sue them or die or both. I am willing to send you mine, but if it breaks you are out of luck and as long as you promise me you are not going to die, sue me or both.

Mike, you probably don’t want to hear this right now, but IMHO the cozmonitor is way overrated. I don’t use mine either. I used the one I had with my last pump some, but it was the least reliable meter I have had and I had to replace it 3 times. It definitely adds bulk and makes the pump less comfortable. I use a freestyle flash meter and it’s really small.


the URL you posted IS the Smiths Medical webstore I tried to order from. There is no need for a prescription for a BG meter, you can buy them at Walmart, Walgreens, Ride Aid and all others. Only the Cozmonitor is only available through Smiths.

I don’t want to talk to them anymore, they are a bunch of lying SOB’s. I contacted the FDA and they told me there is no law that prohibits them from selling the meter to me (I don’t want the darn thing for free, it’s almost 70 bucks in their Cozmore webstore).

If you really don’t want yours I’d be happy to take it. I promise I won’t kick the bucket (I’m type 1 since 1970, LOL) and I won’t sue you (would be kinda hard from over here anyway…hahahaha).

Lemme know. Thanks again !


Carol, thanks for your input. I’ve heard both, some say the meter is terrible, others like it. I want at least to try the darn thing. LOL

Like I said, I travel very light, a meter attached to the pump would be perfect. I do have a Freestyle mini, a Accu Chek Compact plus and the newer compact plus II, I use the accu cheks at the house, the freestyle is my “back up” meter.

BTW: this is what the Smiths/Cozmo webstore says:

The pump: * Prescription required.

  • Final price will be based on the contracted rate with your health insurance provider.
  • A completed Statement of Medical Necessity (SMN) and Insurance Form must be on file before an order is proccessed.

The meter: Please Note: This item is not covered by insurance and can be purchased by credit card only.
Fee may apply for CoZmonitor® replacement

Hi Mike,

I’m in the same position as you…I’ve been waiting 4.5 years for mine and have finally been told they won’t supply outside the US. Did you get one? Was it worth it? Do you know of anyone else I can get one from? :slight_smile:



Hi Tim,

see my reply on DF ! :slight_smile:

