Just had to look up QANTAS…Thanks for the fun fact! Hello Jeopardy!
Yes a nurse should not assume that an unconscious needs insulin but I’m a ER nurse of 40 + years and I’ve had more unconscious patients with blood glucose readings in the 1000 to 1600 range than whose that had blood glucose in the 20 to 30 range and yes they needed insulin drips, bicarbonate drips and a stay in ICU for several days. Most of our hypoglycemia patients have already had D50 in the field or other types of fast acting sugars, etc, and are fully awake on arrival. musing is very specialized today so in all fairness many muses never see or care for diabetic patients.
Administration of insulin without a bg reading prior to delivery was what my so-called friend wanted to do, should she find me unconscious. That is reckless and stupid behaviour. There are many reasons why someone could be found unconscious. The fact her ignorance around a serious issue was laughable to her was what really bothers me. Be ignorant, fine. Laugh at the crap I didn’t ask for but still have to deal with --> NOT fine.
Regardless of one’s experience or lack of it with a particular presentation, conscientious, safe, and proper care decisions are not made on guesswork—not when there is an easy and readily available alternative. And I’m sorry, but “I don’t see many cases of this” isn’t a valid reason for taking chances.
The fact remains that administering insulin to someone who is low is dangerous, potentially fatal. If someone knows enough about diabetes to know that unconsciousness is a possible “symptom”, then they had better know that there are not one but two ways it can happen, and a very simple real time test that takes only seconds will immediately tell you which one you’re dealing with.
If a medical professional has ready access to insulin and the means to deliver it, but not the means to do a simple finger stick, something is terribly terribly wrong.
Being vegetarian (which has its own set of ignorance from others!), I end up with friends who are likewise vegetarian or vegan. Not only is choosing a place to eat much more amenable, people who choose this lifestyle tend to think differently about life and the many beings on this planet. Never push back or ignorance without sincere curiosity as the first line. My 2 cents.