We are wrapping up our annual spring fundraising campaign and we want to take a moment to recognize a diabetes superstar who has gone many extra miles to make TuDiabetes a better place. Barbara, this is for you.
At the Diabetes Hands Foundation, we work to connect, engage and empower people touched by diabetes. Barbara is an example of a woman who is connected, engaged, and empowered in the diabetes community. She is a gleaming model of inspiration to others. She shares her experiences, her sympathy, her stories, and her time towards making TuDiabetes a welcoming environment. We are incredibly humbled by her dedication and desire to make a difference in the Diabetes Online Community. And Guess what? … Her involvement in TuDiabetes extends behind the scenes, too. She is one woman, making a huge impact.
What Barbara teaches us beyond the scope of her effort, is that even a single person can be a catalyst for change in the Diabetes Online Community. A single person can influence and inspire many others to share their stories, which in turn will help someone else cope with diabetes. There is a powerful ripple effect, that each of us has the capacity to start. We can learn from Barbara, that right from our own home, sitting at our own computers, we can help people touched by diabetes who before felt alone. You can change a persons life by bringing them into the community.
This is what we are asking you… Help us reach out and find more people touched by diabetes who are feeling alone. Together, we can provide access to resources and support that have the potential to improve their lives. Help us grow toward our mission to connect, engage, and empower people touched by diabetes everywhere in the world.