You’ve just opened this discussion. You’re curious. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, or when you last had your meal. Let’s check our blood glucose levels and see where we stand- without the planner or the journal.
I know, I know, yet another finger stick… but after six or eight times a day, what’s one more?
I’m feeling a little foggy, a little tired and feel like I’m a “high” BG…
I haven’t eaten since last night, but have been nursing my coffee for the past five hours.
Testing, testing, testing… 185- wohoo!! I’ll take it!
202 - cry. No more instant oatmeal even if it has extra fiber! Doesn’t help that I have been nursing my coffee too, and started this morning with a 160-175 dawn phenom. 11:16 Pacific time.
2.6 mmol / l (46 mg/dl for you in the USA) - yuppers having a lovely low - and fingers on keyboard are keeping up with the sponge brain thoughts!. Shovelled some Green Apple Dex 4’s in my mouth - followed by Cheez-It’s (my cat tried to ram his head in the bag I was gorging from). Patiently waiting to test in 15 minutes - as I need to hit my head on the pillow as it’s noddy nod land here for me in Montreal.
I had a low this morning- 48- around 10, so I corrected with two chalky orange flavored glucose tablets.
I just checked- Now 449 EST- 159- Not bad!
I swear this site has really kept me honest and focused on T1 in a good way! My BG has been so good lately! knock on wood