Sugars all over the place?

Anyone else completely frustrated with their sugars lately? When I fist started pumping, only about 4 months ago, things seemed to be working really well. Lately though my sugar is so inconsistent and my diet is pretty much consistent. One day the basal rates work and the next day they don’t! It’s getting old!!

Hi Melissa,

I had exactly the same problem as you when I started pumping last year. Again, roughly four months later my sugars went all over the place, and there was no logical reason for it. This erratic behaviour in BG lasted for a couple of weeks, and then my sugars returned back to normal. My only conclusion was that I was under quite a lot of work stress at the time, and this may have had an effect. However, I have been in similar situations in the past, and it didnt affect my sugars.

I really so sympathise with you, because it is so frustrating when you cannot pinpoint a root cause.

I second the stress thing. In addition, I find that some placements of the inset absorb better than others. I subscribe to the approach, “When in doubt, swap it out.”

I've been pumping for about six months now and went through similarly erratic blood sugars last month. I just saw my endo yesterday and she chalked it up to either stress or bad sites. Definitely change out the site if you give a correction dose and your blood sugar doesn't come down, even if there's still a bunch of insulin left in the cartridge. Also, look at your tubing carefully for air bubbles- I found that once in awhile a long bubble will sneak in (an inch or more in the tube) and that can clearly mess up blood sugars. This has happened to me even when there were no visible bubbles in the cartridge when I loaded the insulin, so I'm not quite sure how they got there in the first place! Also, I would recommend getting a daily exercise routine in- I have been trying to grab half an hour sometime during the day to go for a power walk and it seems to have helped tame the crazy numbers.

Hopefully your numbers calm down soon!!