Any one Know of support group in North Texas. I’m tring to locate one for my daughter.
Hey, Gerald. I’ve actually been looking for a good group in North Texas for several years. I haven’t searched for it too actively, but I’ve heard of a few. Maybe we should just START one, eh?
Check out the JDRF Dallas chapter website. They have an event for parents of Type 1s called Coffee for a Cure. I’m an adult Type 1, so I haven’t checked it out, but I know the JDRF people in town and trust that their events are good.
Also, you might contact your endocrinologist’s office. I know mine (Endocrine Associates of Dallas) has a support group I keep meaning to check out.
Lastly, if your daughter uses a pump, you might be interested in a Medtronic group (the last one listed in Terrie8’s post here) that meets monthly in Plano. One of my friends here - Andy Barnes - is very active in that group. Because I no longer wear a Medtronic pump, I didn’t feel like I fit in there, but it’s a very nice group. Mostly elderly patients though. Might not be the right one for your daughter.
Hi Gerald:
Here are some support groups in Texas, if she is an Adult. I hope that they are all Northern. You could also phone any of these groups(I presume that they are still in operation) so that they may direct you to a support group closest to you and/or your Daughter. Good Luck and for any help, we’re available for her. She would receive support at TuDiabetes also. Support and Community/Diabetes Support Groups/Diabetes Support Groups - TexasNorth Texas Diabetes Educators Association
Area Patient Support Groups
Diabetes Forum
Weatherford Regional Medical Center
716 E. Anderson St.
Weatherford, Texas 76086
Third Thursday of each month; 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Contact: Paula Thieme, 817-598-4502
Diabetes Support Group of Graham, TX
Graham Regional Medical Center
1301 Montgomery, Graham, TX 76450
Meet the 4th Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm
Call to confirm meeting times. We meet in the Educational Conference Room, next door to the Wellness Center at Graham Regional Medical Center.
Type 1 & 2 Adults
Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital
Every 4th Thursday at 7:30pm
Ruth Rutledge Education Center
Parking passes provided
Adult, type 1 and 2
Baylor Garland Diabetes Support Group
Every 3rd Tuesday at 7:00pm
No December Meeting
900 N. Shiloh Road., Garland, TX 75042
Suzanne Powell 972-487-5263
Adult, type 2
Baylor Irving Lunch Bunch
Baylor Irving Medical Center
1901 N. MacArthur, Hward Center, Irving, TX 76051
2nd Monday of the month at 12 p.m.
Contact: 972-579-4350 Sherry Marks
Bring own lunch
Adult type 2
Sweet & Sensible
Medical Center of Plano; Surgery Center first floor waiting room
Third Thursday of most months
7 – 8 p.m.
April 19: Heart Works
May 17: Update on the Newest Diabetes Medications
June 21: Living Well w/ Diabetes
Diabetes Support Group
Baylor Regional Center of Plano
4700 Alliance Blvd., Plano, TX 75093
Second Thursday of the month
Visitation: 5:30–6:00; meeting 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Contact: Sherry Davidson
April 12: Stress Management
Baylor University Medical Center
Ruth Collins Diabetes Center
4001 Worth St.
Dallas, TX 75150
Meets every third Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Bring your own lunch.
Contact Kim at 214-828-2350
Huguley Diabetes Management Support Group
Huguley Memorial Medical Center
110801 S. Freeway
Ft. Worth, TX 76115
Open to all persons with an interest in diabetes.
Meets bi-monthly.
Contact phone: 817-551-2706. Please call to add your name and address to our mailing list.
Beverly Millison
Baylor All Saints Medical Center Diabetes Support Group
Baylor All Saints
1400 Eighth Avenue
Ft. Worth, TX 76104
Contact: Abbie Edmister
Meets in Carter Rehab & Fitness Center located on the West side of the hospital near the Emergency Room.
Meets the 4th Monday of every other month starting in January.
5:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Baylor Medical Center Southwest Fort Worth
Diabetes Support Group
7100 Oakmont Blvd.
Physician Bldg. II, Suite 220
Fort Worth, TX 73132
Contact: Laura Fuller
Meets in the Training Room at the Diabetes Education Center on the 4th Monday of every other month starting in February. (No support group in December).
5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Guest speaker or diabetes educator will present at every meeting.
Light refreshments provided.
Methodist Charlton Diabetes Support Group
3500 W. Wheatland Rd.
Dallas, Texas
Meets in the Auditorium of the Outpatient Center Building
6 to 7 p.m.
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month except December and April.
The Guest Speaker each month will cover a diabetes-related topic of interest.
A light snack will be available.
Pump Users Support Group
Church of Christ on McDermott
3600 McDermott Rd.
Plano, TX 75025
Contact: Lynda Markowitz
Meets one Thursday evening a month at 7:00 p.m.
We are in the process of expanding to a second location in the Lewisville/Grapevine area.
Open to pump users and those interested in pump therapy
I’m sorry. I didn’t know if the diagnosis date of 1982 was for you or your Daughter. If she is a Child, I’m sure that any of these groups or could direct you to a Northern Texas group.
Thanks Melissa.
I had been planning to hang around for a bit this AM. but I was called away.
Any way, why I’m looking for a support group for my daughter. I am a Type 2 diabetic, since 1983. Last year before my 51st b-day I had kidney failure, do impart to diabetes and high blood pressure. Not saying I didn’t take care of my self, just time and other factors add to it. I maintained a average daily rate is 114. Now all that aside, life on dialysis is a real drag. One I won’t go into here.
Why I am here is for my daughter. She is eighteen and has been a Type 1 since age 5. Here in Wichita Falls support groups come and go. Mostly go, lack of interest. She like most teenage diabetics at some time rebel against following diet and dosage. After all for her its been a life time. She “forgets” to watch her diet. More important she “forgets” to take insulin. Like most parents, I would like to see her live a long and healthy life.
More importantly avoid the situation I find myself in. As I found out since my failure, the risk for her doubles. So in talking with her doctors, they feel a support group would be beneficial. Either in person or on line. So that’s why I’m here.
Terrie, Thanks for list. I’ll let her look it over. She is 18 now has been Type 1 since age 5. Her doctor feels she could benefit from group support either in person or on line. But I don’t know if I could lure her into coming here.
As for 1983, that would be me, naturally.
We have so many teens on this site. Maybe send her the link for the Teenagers With Type 1 group?
You’re Very Welcome Gerald. Aww…I well remember my teen years with Diabetes. What Fun…NOT. I rebelled a bit against most things teens do plus having Diabetes also, in High School. I went to Nursing College at age 17. Too young. I was so involved in studying there and receiving Good marks that sometimes I forgot to eat. Aww, the good ole days.
Her Dr.may be right about support groups. Of course, you won’t know that unless you can lure her into them, as you say. Some teens wouldn’t be interested. Good Luck with that one.
To be honest I sat with her at my computer and let her check out the site. She seemed to like it but said it wasn’t Gia (her favorite anime site) But I’ll send the link any way. Ya never know. Thanks
You could also have her start by checking us out on Facebook (although if she’s not public about her diabetes, that might make her self-conscious since your Facebook friends can see the groups you join).