New to the forum. I’m 42, male, have had type 1 for about 38 years. My last hemoglobin A1C was 6.1. I am in near perfect care of my diabetes. I too, was forced to switch from Lantus to Basaglar. There are differences, but there are also differences in my approach. Keep in mind, I’ve never had a diabetic doctor, nor an endocrinologist. But I do test frequently, and only change one variable at a time when making changes, and gather data for long periods of time before making statements on issues.
For starters, I didn’t take my Lantus at night; I took mine at 11:00-11:30am every day - literally 12 hours different from most people. Lantus “peaks” causing night sweats, and physiological highs in the morning. That’s where your body saves itself while you’re sleeping by over re-leasing stored sugar in your pancreas. Also Lantus tapers off slowly over 20 hours, leaving me completely without insulin from 7:00-11:00am. I would spend 4 hours every morning chasing my blood sugars, but I was fine with it, it’s not as hard as it sounds. It’s actually really easy if you know your carb ratio.
I used to take 24 units of Lantus daily. I now take 28 units of Basaglar daily (at 11:00am).
There are differences. If I planned on eating a light lunch, with Lantus, I wouldn’t need any Humalog, or very little - not the case with Basaglar. Basaglar truly has little-to-no peak. If I go to bed with 100mg/dl, I wake up with 100mg/dl. With Lantus, I had to have higher blood sugar at night (over 160 mg/dl) for me to wake up with 100mg/dl. My blood sugar dropped at night, EVEN THOUGH I TOOK LANTUS DURING THE DAY.
I am pleased to report that I also do not like switching meds, but Basaglar is WAY better than Lantus was. It does what a non-diabetic body is supposed to do. In my type 1 body, if I don’t eat, and I don’t take insulin, my blood sugar will gradually increase. I don’t know what Lantus was doing; it was up, down, all over the place. With Basaglar, it’s stable. It’s the closest I’ve ever felt to being non-diabetic. Stable blood sugars for 20 hours. Another benefit of Basaglar is, I take the same amount of Humalog, no matter what time of day. The only cheat that I miss is now I have to take Humalog every time I eat and not less of it either. A small price to pay for consistently stable blood sugars.
Again, I used to take 24 units of Lantus; the equivalent for me is 28 units of Basaglar. Hope this helps.