So excited to be receiving my new pump tomorrow. Originally, I was going to become acquainted (learn how to use like the back of my hand) with the pump before adding the Dexcom g6 to it. I am now thinking that I should just bite the bullet and do both at the same time. Just and FYI, I’ve had the mini-med 530g for 7 years. Advice appreciated???
Use it with the G6 immediately. The low suspend on the X2 is phenomenal. The X2 paired with the G6 is light years ahead of the 530. I made the exact same switch a few years ago when my 530 was due to be replaced.
I discontinued the CGM with the 530 due to numerous false alerts. Is the G6 easier to use and insert than the piece of crap that went with the 530? Tired of finger sticks. I’ve been using the libre, however, I feel is is not the most accurate. I guess I need to contact dexacom to get the insurance process rolling. Thanks for the response.
The difference between the G6 and Enlite sensors is night and day. Yes, it’s very simple to insert and use. Take full advantage of the G6/Tandem pairing. The closed loop update is coming very soon, you’ll need the G6 to take advantage of it.
Completely agree with starting G6 immediately on X2. The low suspend is great, especially overnight. Definitely not a complete reduction of low BG, but it made a big difference for extreme lows (<55) for me.
The update process is super easy on the X2 as well. I updated mine for the basal-IQ and believe the closed loop portion is estimated for Q4 2019 using a similar process. Note, I’m a bit on the fence about the closed loop, because my understanding is that the average BG is hard set for 120, which is on the high side for me. My average BG is generally between 105-110.
I think this was modified during the Control-IQ trials to 112.
Regardless, I share your sentiment and at this point Basal-IQ still is likely to be the best approach for our situation.
I hadn’t heard it was changed to 112. That’s great, thanks for the info! Still a little higher, but much better!
Rumor. Take it with a grain of salt.
Until Control-IQ is released and you read about it in the User Guide than it is all a best guess.
I met with someone that was in the trial and the tandem rep a couple months ago and they said 120, but there was talk of 112, but it didn’t sound like that was an expectation. Hopefully something has changed! Or maybe the rep just could say at that time.
They did say they didn’t want to give the pump back. Definitely understand that!
I agree with everyone else! Fire it all up together. That is why the system is so great. You need everything together to get the most from the pump. Otherwise, you could just stay with your old pump because the key is the system using all the info to make it work. Go for it! It has made my life so much easier. I really think so much less about my diabetes than I ever have before!
Tandem created a new FDA trial specifically for those people so they could legitimately stay on the Control-IQ algorithm.
Tandem has just announced that all FDA approved updates through 2020 will be provided at no additional charge.
ie - No customer charge for Control-IQ
- All software updates approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) through the end of 2020 will be offered for no cost
- Customers who purchase a pump prior to December 31, 20201, including current customers, are eligible for software updates while in-warranty
- Software updates will be offered through the Tandem Device Updater
EDIT: Applicable to US Customers.
This is great news. @Tim35 did Tandem give a timetable for the rollout of these updates?
Pending FDA approval
Sorry Tim. I misread what you posted. I thought they already had FDA approval through 2020. My apologies
I wonder if this business model is going to be financially sustainable over the years. On paper, it’s a fantastic idea to have a fully upgradeable pump through software updates. I would guess, that Tandem is going to have to start charging a nominal fee for future upgrades. Or, I could be completely off base on this one. I definitely want Tandem to grow and be profitable.
They had a tremendous Q2, beating expectations and they increased guidance. They anticipate strong penetration of non-US markets and continued success converting Aminas customers through the rest of this year and perhaps Q1 next year. And they Control -IQ near release and have T-sport in late stage development pipeline. IMO they’re well positioned for continued success

They had a tremendous Q2, beating expectations and they increased guidance. They anticipate strong penetration of non-US markets and continued success converting Aminas customers through the rest of this year and perhaps Q1 next year. And they Control -IQ near release and have T-sport in late stage development pipeline. IMO they’re well positioned for continued success
This is great news
Of interest to International X2 users:
Though we have not utilized our Tandem Device Updater to perform software updates for devices outside the United States, we are currently developing that capability and intend to do so in the future.
August 01 2019