Hi everyone, sorry if this topic is a repeat, I could not find a good way to search on it.
What I wanted to ask is for those that have a T1 child what is your target BG range? Our doc wants us to stick between 100 and 180 fasting BG. My concern I have is how my daughter spikes after meals. for the most part after 2 hours she is back down into her range but not always. I was reading up on the dexcom 7 plus senor today and one person had it set to alarm at 160! Does that mean even after eating she should not be going above 160? On the other hand I have been told children under 13 can handle the highs much better than adults and the lows are not good for brain development true/untrue?
Hi my name is Beth and I have two T1 kids and there Doc have them set at 80 and 180 Range. I found that if you bolus before meals then the Spike after Meals are not as bad and some times they don't spike after meals at all.
I left out we only have this issue at breakfast. We bolus before she eats, what do your children eat typically for breakfast?
On a different topic, you mentioned you have 2 children with type 1, How common is that? Our endo told us the chance of my son being dx with type 1 is the same chance as anyone else but Im meeting more and more parents that have more than one child with T1.
We put my Daughter in the study after my son was diagnosed we new she was going to be a T1 before it happened my daughter carried 2 antibodies once you are diagnosed with antibodies with in the first 5 years you will be a T1 my daughter was a T1 with in the first 3 years after being diagnosed
how many carbs would you say on average? We tend to give her about 45 carbs at breakfast. She eats the "healthier" cereal, oatmeal and low cal breakfast sandwich.
http://www.diabetestrialnet.org/nh_flas.html. this is the site it's Trialnet they will test to see if the child carries an antibody if the child dose not then they will tell you just to be test once a year and if the child is positive then its every 6 months the child will go in for gluecose Test once there positive with in the first 5 years the child will have type 1
They eat eggs ,Oatmeal ,cereal with no sugar we have Splenda for there sugar sometimes we do about 45 or 60 gram's of carbs my son is 15 now so it's hard to find things he will eat and my daughter is 12 and shes is so picky
Because you say this is just happening after breakfast, she may need a lower I:C ratio for her breakfast meal only. Everyone is a bit more insulin resistant in the morning hours, especially teens due to the surge of hormones they get early in the morning. You may just want to up her insulin with breakfast, but keep her other I:C ratios the same.
I think it's lower C:I ratio, i.e. if she's @ 10-1 and running up, then 7:1 would= bigger dose of insulin to cover it? I agree that's the solution but if you flip flop the numbers it may come out wierd I think?
Just out of curiosity, AR, I've seen that before: Why do you say C:I ratio instead of I:C ratio? Isn't it "units of insulin you need to take for numbers of carbs"? I would think C:I would be like "feeding the insulin" - determining "how many carbs you have to eat for each unit of insulin". What am I missing? Just curious.