Let me introduce myself the right way. :) According to my sisters and brothers I'm from the milkman. Well, I was until my family health history started creeping up on me. My family's medical history is very unique (according to alot of MD's I have spoken with). My mother was misdiagnosed at 42yrs with heart disease for almost a year. By the time they discovered it, she had to have a 4 way bypass with a valve replacement. This was followed by years of seizures, strokes, another bypass and crorided artery bypass as well. Unfortunately, she lost her battle at age 57.
My oldest sister was a diabetic and had heart issues as well. We lost her when she was 47. My other sister had heart, lung and diabetes issues. The amazing part about her, was every time she went into the hosptial they would test her sugar and give her insulin, yet never give her anthing to take or monitor at home. I have to admit, I fought a losing battle with her on this. I don't think she ever wanted to admit this was an issue, but I was only the pain in the butt sister. Unfortunately, I lost her when she was 50.
Now, my brothers are even bigger problems. (Aren't they all) My oldest brother has had numerious stents and a tripple by-pass as well. His first heart attack was at age of 33. Since then he has been dx with diabetes (which is wife is also as well). However, I don't think he really cares. Neither of them test themselves or monitor their sugar levels. They do take their meds but that is about it. Personally, I think he has given up and unfortunately, I know it's just a matter of time before I will lose him as well.
My last brother has survived 2 widow makers. The first one when he was 32 and the last one about 4 yrs ago. He is still considered hypoglycemic (which is what I was until the last couple of years), so he doesn't have to worry as of now. However, I did find out he just recently had a minor stroke (he is 50 yrs old). Although, he only has about 33% of his heart still working properly. They did give him a pacemaker/defibulator to help with his heart. Yet, each time I see him, I can tell he is slowing down.
As for me, I never showed any issues until the last 2 years. First, they believed I had blockage in 2009. Thankfully, after an angiogram it showed I no blockage. However, my numbers started changing. I was then diagnosed with CAD. After working with my cardiologist, it was noticed my sugars were impacting everything. I was dx with pre-diab (although my MD is treating me as a full fledge diab) with an A1C of 6.4.
Personally, I fell lost. Seeing my mother and sisters pass, then worring about my brother's. I feel like I'm a time bomb and sometimes I wish my heart attack would come and get it over with. However, I am so blessed to have a very supportive family who encourages, pushes and loves me.
Now, it's up to me.