Tag your meal examples

TAG your meal and share it with the group.

IN-N-OUT BURGER (double burger and fries)- I did not eat this :slight_smile:

(An example of TAG I did on a discussion here at TU)

I:C Ratio 10:1


Carbs 38g

Protein 37g

Fat 41g


Carbs 54g

Protein 7g

Fat 18g

Total Carbs 93g / 10 (standard bolus) = 9.3 units

Protein 44g x 40%= 18g +

Fat 59g x 40%= 24g = 42g/10 = (squared bolus)= 4.2 units over 4 hours

TAG = 135g

9.3 units standard bolus (carbs in meal)

4.2 units squared (fats and protein) over 4 hours

Hi Angie,

The percentage you use depends on your metabolism. Traditional TAG says to use 58% for protein and I have seen percentages for fat that range from 10% - 25%. I found that with 58% for protein, I would go hypo. It was too much insulin covering the protein. Through trial and error, I found that 40% works best for me. Some other members also use the 40%, but you would have to find what percentage of protein your body converts to glucose.

The rate is also individualistic. If the rate is too fast, you put the insulin on board faster than you are metabolizing proteins and fats and therefore you go low. If the rate is too slow, your BG will go high.

TAG is T&E (trial & error)

I also stopped deducting fiber from the carbs. Fiber is good and I try to make all my carbs “count” in terms of high fiber, but I count all the carbs now.

Here’s one of my examples - for my “beloved” protein drinks that I thought I had to give up - before TAG:

Cool - I LOVE chicken wings! In fact, after reading about that on your original dual wave discussion, I tried it on chicken wings - that’s exactly what sold me on TAG!! Isn’t that funny.

This is awesome. This is one of the major issues I run into on a daily basis when it comes to management. My hat goes off to you all who have taken the time to share your smarts. I look forward to contributing once I get the other issues ironed out. BTW, Im the guilty party who had the In N Out. Im going this Wednesday again (even have an Outlook appointment on my work calendar!). I will try to record my data and share my success/failure in this thread.

WOW! I find this subject really fascinating. I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for 20 years (diagnosed at 32) and could not figure out for the life of me why my BGs varied so much when I was such a good little carb counter. I had all but given up until I read this discussion. While it is making my head spin (I can’t even add numbers using a calculator lol), I am determined to figure this out. This might be the answer I’ve been seeking for the past 20 years. No endocrinologist has ever mentioned this to me, not even the one I have now who “specializes” in the MM pump, which I’ve been using for 1 1/2 years.

We have a place here in San Antonio called Armadillo Burgers (off I-35) and they have a burger that is as big as a dinner plate and roughly 7" tall…It has bacon (like 2 lbs) and 4 1lb patties. Its enough to feed a family of 4 before including the fries. Id love to see a TAG for that bad boy lol!!! I have pics to back this up too!

It sounds like a heart attack on a plate. LOL

If your experience is anything like mine, you will be amazed at the results. I showed my TAG forms and what I was doing to my doc and she just smiled and talked about how in her experience, she spends most of her time helping those who are “less sophisticated” as she put it. I am her “overachiever diabetic” - lol!

For me, TAG provides incredibly smooth sailing and consistency - and a steady 5.6 A1c.

Oh it is…but what a scrumptious finger licking good path to death!!! I have seen only 2 in my whole life, and have partook in only one. I only ate 1/8th of a whole burger before I felt like my gut was gonna explode.

I’m jealous, Cheri! lol

I have a question. I currently have to use the combo bolus, not to do TAG but to delivery my entire bolus over a 30 minute time frame because it always burns going in (I’m a pump user). I would like to try TAG out, but cannot figure out how to do the combo bolus when the part that goes in immediately will burn like heck. Any suggestions?

Hi kalia,

You can do the carb portion of the bolus the same way you do now, extending it for 30 minutes. When this is complete, start the extended bolus for the fats and proteins.

Thank you! When I tried it last night, it didn’t burn though. I moved my infusion set lower on my stomach and I can’t feel it go in now. But I’m sure I will have to do the combo bolus twice in the near future to avoid the burn!

Kalia, you can also set your pump to slow, meaning the insulin will enter slowly, thereby avoiding most of the burn - check out your manual.

Thank you, I have had it on slow for 5 years now and it doesn’t help. :frowning:

Sorry to hear that. I notice it more when placed in leaner areas, but it just doesn’t bother me that much anymore. I have my set to fast, so even in leaner areas, it’s over with quickly. In general I’ve noticed that PWD are a tough lot.

Ha! I was just going to start another thread about this then found this one. Thanks Danny.

not TAG exactly, but for the last few years Ive had the thought that the body doesnt naturally give one huge dump of insulin for a meal so I ought to be delivering over time. This lead me to Dual waves and then the more recent addition of fats and proteins into my calculations.

My rough total guess without cheese would be:

125g carbs
517g fat
625g protein