Taking a stab at diabetic poetry... #DBlogWeek

By sheer serendipity, after starting my blog last week (http://thediabeticmedic.wordpress.com/), I’ve discovered that May 12-18 2014 is the fifth annual Diabetes Blog Week! Although I missed the ‘Change The World’ post yesterday I hope that my two previous blogs (and hopefully future posts) illustrate some of the diabetic issues important to me.

And now it is Tuesday, which is none other than Poetry Tuesday. Here goes my attempt…please be kind…

There once was a time my blood got so sweet
Thirsty and tired, weight loss not discrete
Was so weak and so frail
Ketones wee did unveil
Alas, diabetes shall not defeat

From highs to hypos and a lot of sweat
Journey’s been long and it’s not over yet
Have learnt much in this time
Perhaps not how to rhyme
And there’s plenty more to come I will bet

So many needles and finger pricks too
Misunderstood, frustrated each review
Every day I will find
Affects body and mind
How complex it can be who ever knew?