Talked to the people from omnipod about the new pdm comming out

That would be surprising, since CGMS go longer than 3 days between sensor changes. I would think the same infection risks would apply.

The Dexcom7 is the 7 because it can be used for a week. I wonder if the BGs are different because the insulin is injected in the same general area?

Sorry, that was the point I was trying to make. since pumps are only indicated for 3 days, and CGM’s for 5, there is a bit of problem. Keeping in mind that any change to that has to be blessed by the FDA after extensive studies. So, I don’t think you’ll see big pods that will go beyond 3 days, even with the CGM feature.

Aaron - I just saw this post - you can call them and they will replace the PDM for free. I dropped one of Will’s and the inside broke and you could hear something rattling around. They sent me one via overnight. Insulet is very good about replacing the PDM for free if you have any issues at all. Give them a call.

Take care, Susan

I was told today - 1/13/09 - that there is no FDA approved as yet.
Wish they’d move their a__es a little faster (left out lettter cause of the “young people” on here.