Tandem X2 and Basal-IQ

Hi @Regina I have been using the X2/G6 Basal-IQ for about a month now and here is my review so far.

The first week I had it I decided to go on a 4 hour hike (I’m in New England, so lots of hills). I usually have to manage my temp rates and load up on snacks, but instead with the Basal-IQ I did none of that and I was stable and did not dip below 70. I did not snack at all. When I stopped for lunch midway I bolused normally for it and rested for about 20 min. Then I resumed my hike. No lows at all after that either. I was really impressed. I just let it do its thing, and I also made an effort to not look at my CGM. It was a really enjoyable hike in a very long time.

It does what it claims to do. It “tries” to keep you above 70. However, I still go low sometimes. If I have a lot of IOB and I decide to go do yard work or wash my car I still go low - perhaps not as low though.

So, it’s not magic, it won’t take our Diabetes away, but it is the first step.

Also, the G6 integrates with the X2 seamlessly. I still start my sessions on my iPhone, and when I do the X2 just starts receiving the readings on its own. You don’t have to click extra buttons etc, it just works. And I NEVER calibrate…

The next phase, Control-IQ, will be a game changer.