Tax on glucose tabs?

Here in MA the governor has filed a bill to remove the sales tax exemption from soda and candy. In my job, I deal w/ public finance issues, so I read the law as is and as it would be, and I think that glucose tabs/shots will become taxed at 5%. Should I call in a favor and ask a legislator friend to file an amendment to exempt our low treaters? Does anyone really care that much about 25 cents on a bottle of tabs? Or would it be the principle that medicine is exempt and honestly, no one eats those things when they have a choice?

I would gladly pay the tax if the revenue went toward research and / or health programs… In stead it will probably go to not filling in pot holes which could swallow a small car and more holidays where garbage is not picked up. It will also not go to schools being better funded. It will end up decorating some politicians office with a big screen T.V. so he can watch Dr. Phil instead of working on health care reform.

OK… I am done but, Yeah… you may want to call in that favor…and I will go test my blood sugar…

Either call in the favor or start looking for folks who are opposed to the legislation altogether. Get them talking about the extra stuff getting taxed in this, and get to the news. If they want to use a big hammer to collect taxes, they should expect to be smacked down by an even bigger hammer.


So more info: The tax goes to a public health fund, mostly obesity prevention.
Also, I would like to state that I’m COMPLETELY FOR taxing soda and candy- they are NOT food. I’m concerned that glucose tabs fall under the definition of candy, because they are pretty much pure sugar.