On August 24 I went in to have surgery to remove two tumors on my brain, which it turned out to be three and not two tumors and two surgerys and not one but that is a story for another time. My family and I wanted to let everyone here know how much we apprecated all the love, support, positive engery, and prayers that you all sent our way. So instead of answering everyone back that left messages to me I decided to blog it. Thank you all for your prayers and all around good thoughts. The last four months has been pure hell for my family and I but with the support of eveyone here we made it through.
My family got to see why I love TuDiabetes.org. they read some of the messages that you guys left. My mom, step dad, 7 brothers, and 3 sisters said that the D-OC ROCKS! You guys had my back! Never have they seen a group of people who only know each other on a screen come together for one another. It was very heart warming. Some think that prayer does not do anything, that is just not true. The D-OC prove that that week. Prayer changes everything!
The rain has stopped and the the rainbow can be seen.
Duck on Saturday everyone was still very much on edge about the on duty doctors actions and everything. But Missy told us this and it was what helped some of us stay somewhat calm. She said no matter what comes our way if it is more than we can handle at that time put it in God’s hands he will deal with it. If we have been wronged God will deal with it. Everything happens for a reason we may not know what that reason is now but if we give it time we will see what it is. There is always a rainbow after it rains. We have to keep looking for that rainbow.
I think all those cranes you recieved too were showing you that the rain in gone. Good wishes for all sorts of people you don’t know. Even though I know you said you didn’t make your wish yet - I think many good wishes are coming true for you.
So glad you are on the mend. It was an honour to be part of this mass support group and I’m sure we all felt better tracking your ordeal and offering our support, love and prayers. I have seen mass prayer like this work before so I know it ain’t no mirage. It’s great that your family was around you to protect you and to learn from the folks at tuD when the less informed were ‘in charge’. Thanks for the blog, the rainbow and even the cute new pup avatar … did he/she chew up the sneakers you had before? Better hide the cranes!
caprifoglio: The danger has passed for now.
Gerri, Lizmari, Kelly: Thanks for the rainbow wishes.
bikette: The pup is my lil sis dog. Her name is Doggie. She does like playing with the cranes.
Seagator: I moderates my comments, so they will not show up on my profile page until I sees them and approves them. This is what you can do, send me all the comments that you want, come on you can send them. I have never not let one be seen.