Thankgiving alone

Spending Thanksgiving weekend alone with my 2 dogs. I will not go becouse no one understands Diabetes (46Y) and MS (6Y) Everyone thinks they no but they are running on oldway diabetes use to be 40 years ago. I am on the Insulin Pump for 5 years now (Novlog) and Rebif for MS. My last A1c was 6.8 due to see Endo Dr, in late December. I am currently living in South New Jersey and went trough Sandy alone with no problem

You sound like an independent person, Bill. I am too and really don't care that much about holidays. A friend invited me for Thanksgiving and I said thank you but declined because I'm a vegetarian and I don't watch football (which she mentioned as something she was looking forward to on that day.). For me being vegetarian is non-negotiable so I often sacrifice the D limits and eat more carbs than I like. I'm also on standby for possible jury duty next week and I'm just waiting for the Roundtable pizza with pepperoni to make its appearance for lunch - yuck.

I guess we all make choices. If it was people I really wanted to spend time with I'd find a way to deal with the poor food choices (for Thanksgiving that is, not jury duty!).

Have a good one anyway!

ths response needs a "like" button.

I have developed a strong deep stare. I can not avoid holidays since I have kids.

When someone says something about diabetes that is even the least bit intrusive or judgmental. I break out the deep stare, and say nothing.

It usually takes care of it. I really don't get much in the way of comments about it.
We are allowed to tell people to mind their own business, and then the next time they probably will.

There are also some good comebacks. FOR ALL WOMEN NO MATTER AGE OR SIZE, if you get an annoying or intrusive comment, say :
" well you can say that because you are fat and you totally understand it "
She will never mention it again.

If a man says something, tell him that you are doing it because it prevents erectile dysfunction, " I'm sure you know what I'm talking about " ( spoken very loudly )

He will never mention it again.

Then you can enjoy next Thanksgiving with out a worry in the world.

hahahaha! even better!! hysterical!

I understand avoiding the debauchery but figure "oh well" and take tons of insulin so that by dinnertime, I usually have 4-5 boluses "on board" eat and then clean the table really fast, sort of buzzing as I can tell I'll "need" some dessert. I used to take R boluses in my leg and then run up and down the stairs 10x to make them work faster. This year the Turkey Trot 5K is on the "menu" in the morning so that'll get me going a bit. Unless, of course is some sort of miserable, sleety debacle!

I guess I am lucky, as no one in my family (except my daughter in law, who is a WHOLE nother topic with my diabetes) cares much. My husband's family has a lot of Type 2s, but old school. As my mother in law was recently diagnosed as T2 (at 80) she uses me as a sounding board, asking all the "Why?" questions. They don't normally mention it.

I really don't treat holidays any differently than regular meals, I just eat a little more--small portions, limit carbs, no dessert, etc. I also find that a glass or two of white wine helps.... If my glucose readings are higher, big deal! Correct on move forward.

Being with people, especially family, even when it is difficult, is so important that I will put up with what I have to. It is worth it to me.

I have never had anyone make a bad comment that bothered me except another PWD, asking me if I would like a piece of pie it's not a sin and I'm certainly not going into exile if they do. None of my family understands my diabetes and my mother and father still get tears in their eyes when I have even a small issue, my brother has been a skinny T2 for 10 years and we have worked together for 30+ years, he still doesn't grasp the fact that my body does not make insulin.

Saying a woman is fat even if she is a size zero, does drive her mental. I would try the male comment but I would end up going bright red and they'd have a good aul laugh.

I can only be around people for short periods of time, they drive me very mad and much prefer to be alone with cats. Family usually don't say anything about D (except husband who should be shot ), they were so used to seeing me not look after myself they are now delighted with situation. Glad you got through the storm. My auntie doesn't like people visiting so she puts blackout boards on her window.

I am only alone in that I won't eat the pie. Our meal is very healthy. Everyone is on one diet or another!
Actually, most everyone is in the Turkey Trot in our town, will come early and need showers before I sit them down 11 to a table.

Thanks! I just found out I'm excused from jury duty...yay! I really hate when someone else is in control of me where I can't leave if I feel like it (not without facing contempt of court that is!), can't eat when and what I like, etc. It's something I had to get over from childhood and now D has brought it all back. Sigh.

i will ONLY eat the pie. potatoes and rice and bread, who cares about all that?! i want the pumpkin pie bread pudding with raisins. i could eat like fie pounds of that. with some nutella on top.

I have just one thing to add:

OREO CHEESECAKE thats all Im saying, 4 untis per slice, and my average meal bolus is 4.5 units. Still though, OREO CHEESECAKE.

I never really liked large family gatherings not because I don't like my family I just don't like large groups. I guess that makes me a loner type. The only large gathering these days is Christmas at my brother's with all the family members. My mom never did Thanksgiving because she has four sons and no daughters and never thought it worth while to force a choice that she was likely to lose to her daughters-in-laws. My mother-in-law has stopped the large meals also.

I did always enjoy the feast of the holidays but since I have managed to gain control of my weight a feast is not high on my priorities. Nowadays our Thanksgiving is a small affair with just me, the wife, our 2 sons, 2 grandsons, and daughter-in-law. A group that size I can deal with.

So this year like last year I will spend my day avoiding the turkey, yuck, I hate turkey. At least my wife is good enough to bake me a ham.


If I want to attend a family function with friends and/or family, I will. If food is involved, I will do my best to adjust accordingly. I don't blame them for my condition. I was diagnosed T1 in 1974. If I can't adjust to their world by now, I'm doomed :)

Great point, we all do live in their world.

We all make our own choices and I reckon you can enjoy Thanksgiving on your own eating what turns you on, whatever. Have a good holiday, Bill D.

Having survived two years of Thanksgiving with the extended family since my dx, this year my son & I are staying home. I'm glad to avoid 9 hrs in the car, the overfull table (THREE kinds of stuffing), and too many dessert options. Celebrating the holiday with all the fixings was stressful for me.
So far Tgving day plans incl a movie, a hike & maybe some pumpkin pie.

Lots of humor here! I, too, have no place to go anymore for any holiday. Everyone I have ever known has moved or deserted me. I guess nobody wants to spend time around such a jinx in case it rubs off on them. Actually, the biggest reason is that nobody is accessible to my power chair.

One thing I found on Thanksgiving while everyone else is having pie -- a banana and a vivid imagination tastes like banana cream pie!! YUM!
