When I first joined Tu Diabetes I received a welcome message from someone asking me to check out the groups. I did just that and joined a whole bunch - 7 to be exact! But it really got me thinking about this group mentality - Am I defined by the fact I am are Type 1 diabetic, or that I use an insulin pen instead of a pump?
I talk a bit more about this in my newest blog post but I wanted to just say specifically to everyone here that I have been really inspired by Tu Diabetes and seeing that enormous list of groups! So many I don't belong to, but a few that I do. It really reiterates the fact that I'm not alone. If you wanna hear a bit more about this and also me admitting the stupidest thing I've ever done as a Diabetic, read below and click continue :)
In my experience as people, we tend to belong to all these clubs. It's part of how we define ourselves. Personally, I belong to the the club of being Diabetic. It's something I haven't wanted to take ownership of before, I've wanted to pretend it's not me. I've wanted to hide away from it. But, delving more and more into the online community - I've discovered, as Kerri from Six Until Me would say - "Diabetes doesn't define me, but it helps explain me." Continue