tuAnalyze app on TuDiabetes: coming soon!

Thanks to everyone for the overwhelming response to the request for volunteers to test the tuAnalyze application we are going to be launching in the coming weeks on TuDiabetes.

I don’t want to spoil the surprise, so I won’t give out too many details now, but I am very excited about the work that has been put into the thoughtful development of this application that we hope all members of the community will adopt and put to use as part of their experience in the community.

Many hours have been invested by our team and, in particular, by the team at Harvard Medical School’s Children’s Hospital Boston, where we’ve partnered with the Health Informatics team. This is the same group of people that have been behind Indivo, the first patient-controlled health record.

More about this VERY soon! Keep your eyes open for updates about the tuAnalyze application.

Hi Manny,

I’m curious about the tuAnalyze app you mention in your post. Is this app something that can be downloaded to an Ipod? or is it something one would have to directly download to ones home computer from the internet? I am curious as I have an ipod and believe an app that holds my diabetic info such as average of my weekly blood tests, food intake, carb intake, insulin ,meds, and blood test history etc would be very beneficial. If this is not what your app is designed for maybe you or someone within the TuDiabetes community could create an app for this purpose. Much appreciation for your service within the TuDiabetes community.

Thanks again, Laurie

tuAnalyze will be an app ON TuDiabetes.

As for the kind of iPhone/iPod app you write about, I think the answer may be here:

I am looking forward to the big reveal!

Sorry to be an old fogey/grouch but I’m hoping it’s not something that totally interferes with just using the board as it is…such as those annoying twitter updates that have started scrolling down the right hand side of the screen. I know there are many people that get really excited about all this new tech but some of us prefer things simple.

You know what? Andreina was telling me the same thing about the Twitter updates, so most likely we will remove them.

As for the application, it will not interfere with the use of the board at all. It will be a completely opt-in app that you don’t have to use if you don’t want to. We hope you will, but you don’t have to.

Thanks for bringing this up.

Thanks, Manny! I teach online and just when my students and I get used to one version of the Course Management Software they “upgrade it” to something that isn’t necessarily better, just different and we have to struggle along till we get used to the new quirks. I guess I just like my technology to be unobtrusive! But re-reading your post and the connection with the Boston Hospital it sounds like not just a new techno toy but something to improve our management, and whether I choose to use it or not, that it s good thing. I do appreciate the work and time that went into it…whatever it is! Honest!

Thanks, Zoe.

One thing, though: over time the platform may evolve as with everything, but you can rest assured that such changes will be made trying to always make things best.

However, this time around, it’s an additional feature/application, rather than an improvement/change to the site, other than improving the site by making it more useful! :slight_smile:


I think what would be most helpful is to have kind of a Calorie King… or some sort of database with carbohydrates and calories of different foods from restaurants or simple everyday foods like the carbohydrates in an orange or an apple… things like that. That would be most helpful for type one and type 2 diabetics, so that each would be able to check their numbers and be confident about the amount of insulin, or how high or low the blood sugar can get.
That is my idea.
Thanks for your consideration.

now i’m really curious! Can’t wait, as much as i am on this site maybe it would be good to use this app…hmmmm

Very soon… :wink:

my birthday is tomorrow, do i get a hint at least? j/k I think we should revolutionize the diabetes world :slight_smile: Can you say tupump? Or tumeter? Tusoda!!! LOL

Happy tuBirthday!!! :smiley:

Manny, I can’t wait!!! =) I’m super excited for the app!! This will be a great addition to the TuD community!

We are getting VERY close to the launch of the TuAnalyze application… it will be here in early May.

i’m excited!!

is it early yet?

This Tuesday we will be sending out a message to a group of members, as we do a soft launch (those who beta tested the application and all members of the Geek Diabetics group). The following week, assuming all goes well with the soft launch, we will be doing a general launch.


The application is officially LIVE!

Read the details here: