Hi everyone,
Making sure that you all got a chance to look at our newest report over at the JDCA, which examines how the four major non-profits: The JDRF, ADA, DRIF, Joslin spent the donation money they received for 2011. (Though the statistics for the ADA are mostly from 2010 since they are yet to release their info for this year)
A blog on our Review of Expense Categories of the Major Type 1 Non-Profits
I think our report is very insightful because it breaks down the data in many different ways, including which org. is spending most towards a cure, which is more focused on education, which is spending the largest proportion of donated money, and how do all other expenses align.
It is very important to know this information before choosing which foundation to help out with - after all, we all want our hard-earned money to be used for the goals which we desire (and for most donors, that is a type 1 diabetes cure)
Let us know your thoughts!
- Stoyan